The Surface of Mars Shown in Stunning 4K Resolution

Could you use a men­tal escape? Some­thing that trans­ports you beyond the con­fines of your pan­dem­ic-nar­rowed world? Maybe a trip to Mars will do the trick. Above and below, you can find high def­i­n­i­tion footage cap­tured by NASA’s three Mars rovers–Spirit, Oppor­tu­ni­ty and Curios­i­ty. The footage (also con­tributed by JPL-Cal­techMSSSCor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty and ASU) was stitched togeth­er by Elder­Fox Doc­u­men­taries, cre­at­ing what they call the most life­like expe­ri­ence of being on Mars.

Safe trav­els.

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via Laugh­ing Squid

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Carl Sagan Presents Six Lec­tures on Earth, Mars & Our Solar Sys­tem … For Kids (1977)

Mars Rover, Curios­i­ty, Will Face Sev­en Min­utes of Ter­ror on August 5

NASA Releas­es a Mas­sive Online Archive: 140,000 Pho­tos, Videos & Audio Files Free to Search and Down­load

Leonard Nimoy Nar­rates Short Film About NASA’s Dawn: A Voy­age to the Ori­gins of the Solar Sys­tem

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Comments (7)
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  • joseph parsons says:

    Mankind can­not be all bad if it achieves this lev­el.

  • Steve Coffield says:

    Is the col­or changed or enhanced at all in these video images or are they exact­ly as record­ed?

  • William smith says:

    The rovers for the most part have been astound­ing successes.congrats.

  • Dawn Graves says:

    I am thor­ough­ly amazed at the video. Please keep send­ing any more videos that be released.

  • Robert B. Marcus says:

    I read in a few places “Mars in 4K” or “4K res­o­lu­tion”. But I don’t know what this means.

    Res­o­lu­tion is usu­al­ly giv­en by the num­ber of pix­els that com­prise an image.

    Could you please explain the mean­ing of “Mars in 4K”?

  • Robert B. Marcus says:

    I read in a few places “Mars in 4K” or “4K res­o­lu­tion”. But I don’t know what this means.

    Res­o­lu­tion is usu­al­ly giv­en by the num­ber of pix­els that com­prise an image.

    Could you please explain the mean­ing of these terms?

  • Thomas Ellis says:

    Does any­one know the title to the music played?

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.