Could you use a menÂtal escape? SomeÂthing that transÂports you beyond the conÂfines of your panÂdemÂic-narÂrowed world? Maybe a trip to Mars will do the trick. Above and below, you can find high defÂiÂnÂiÂtion footage capÂtured by NASA’s three Mars rovers–Spirit, OpporÂtuÂniÂty and CuriosÂiÂty. The footage (also conÂtributed by JPL-CalÂtech, MSSS, CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty and ASU) was stitched togethÂer by ElderÂFox DocÂuÂmenÂtaries, creÂatÂing what they call the most lifeÂlike expeÂriÂence of being on Mars.
Safe travÂels.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Carl Sagan Presents Six LecÂtures on Earth, Mars & Our Solar SysÂtem … For Kids (1977)
Mars Rover, CuriosÂiÂty, Will Face SevÂen MinÂutes of TerÂror on August 5
Mankind canÂnot be all bad if it achieves this levÂel.
Is the colÂor changed or enhanced at all in these video images or are they exactÂly as recordÂed?
The rovers for the most part have been astoundÂing successes.congrats.
I am thorÂoughÂly amazed at the video. Please keep sendÂing any more videos that be released.
I read in a few places “Mars in 4K” or “4K resÂoÂluÂtion”. But I don’t know what this means.
ResÂoÂluÂtion is usuÂalÂly givÂen by the numÂber of pixÂels that comÂprise an image.
Could you please explain the meanÂing of “Mars in 4K”?
I read in a few places “Mars in 4K” or “4K resÂoÂluÂtion”. But I don’t know what this means.
ResÂoÂluÂtion is usuÂalÂly givÂen by the numÂber of pixÂels that comÂprise an image.
Could you please explain the meanÂing of these terms?
Does anyÂone know the title to the music played?