On JanÂuÂary 13, 1931, the SociÂety of Beaux-Arts ArchiÂtects held a ball at the Hotel Astor in New York City. AccordÂing to an adverÂtiseÂment for the event, anyÂone who paid $15 per tickÂet (big monÂey durÂing the DepresÂsion) could see a “hilarÂiÂous modÂern art exhiÂbiÂtion” and things “modÂernistic, futurÂisÂtic, cubisÂtic, altruÂisÂtic, mysÂtic, archiÂtisÂtic and femÂiÂnisÂtic.” AttenÂdees also got to witÂness more than 20 famous archiÂtects dressed as buildÂings they had designed—buildings that would become fixÂtures of the New York City skyÂline.
In the picÂture above, we have from left to right: A. StewÂart WalkÂer as the Fuller BuildÂing (1929), Leonard Schultze as the WalÂdorf-AstoÂria Hotel (1931), Ely Jacques Kahn as the Squibb BuildÂing (1930), William Van Alen as the Chrysler BuildÂing (1930), Ralph WalkÂer as 1 Wall Street (1931), D.E. Ward as the MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtan TowÂer and Joseph H. FreedÂlanÂder as the MuseÂum of the City of New York (1930).
A 2006 artiÂcle in The New York Times notes that the event, now conÂsidÂered “one of the most specÂtacÂuÂlar parÂties of the last cenÂtuÂry,” was covÂered by WABC radio. A few phoÂtographs remain, like the one above. As does a tanÂtaÂlizÂing short bit of video.
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via NYT
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
ArchiÂtect Breaks Down Five of the Most IconÂic New York City ApartÂments
An ImmerÂsive, ArchiÂtecÂturÂal Tour of New York City’s IconÂic Grand CenÂtral TerÂmiÂnal
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