We’ve often feaÂtured the work of the PubÂlic Domain Review here on Open CulÂture, and also varÂiÂous searchÂable copyÂright-free image dataÂbasÂes that have arisen over the years. It makes sense that those two worlds would colÂlide, and now they’ve done so in the form of the just-launched PubÂlic Domain Image Archive (PDIA). The PubÂlic Domain Review invites us to use the site to “explore our hand-picked colÂlecÂtion of 10,046 out-of-copyÂright works, free for all to browse, downÂload, and reuse” — and note that the numÂber will grow, givÂen that “this is a livÂing dataÂbase with new images added every week.”
As with any porÂtal of this kind, you can browse by catÂeÂgoÂry tags, the selecÂtion of which includes everyÂthing from archiÂtecÂture to decÂoÂraÂtions to occultism to war. But if you’d like to get a sense of the sheer forÂmal, aesÂthetÂic, culÂturÂal, and hisÂtorÂiÂcal variÂety of the PDIA, you might conÂsidÂer takÂing a first look through its “infiÂnite view,” which allows you to scroll in all direcÂtions through a limÂitÂless labyrinth of copyÂright-free wonÂders: adverÂtiseÂments, BibÂliÂcal scenes, old-time sportsÂmen, outÂer-space phoÂtos, mushÂrooms, medieval musiÂcal creaÂtures, letÂterÂforms, and, well, labyrinths.
You might also recÂogÂnize items you’ve seen here on Open CulÂture before, like the nature drawÂings of Ernst HaeckÂel, the modÂern art-lamÂpoonÂing chilÂdren’s book The Cubies’ ABC, or the ghosts and monÂsters illusÂtratÂed by ukiyo‑e masÂter HokuÂsai. The PDIA proÂvides more conÂtext than some pubÂlic-domain image archives, even linkÂing to relÂeÂvant PubÂlic Domain Review posts, where you can read about such topÂics as EmiÂly Noyes Vanderpoel’s colÂor analyÂsis charts (which also inspired a post of ours), the end of books (as preÂdictÂed in 1894), and even “Cats and CapÂtions before the InterÂnet Age.” HavÂing fallÂen into the pubÂlic domain, all this mateÂrÂiÂal is, of course, availÂable to use for any purÂpose you like — includÂing just satÂisÂfyÂing your own curiosÂiÂty.
RelatÂed comÂments:
A Search Engine for FindÂing Free, PubÂlic Domain Images from World-Class MuseÂums
Public.Work: A SmoothÂly SearchÂable Archive of 100,000+ “CopyÂright-Free” Images
Sea-SerÂpents, VamÂpires, Pirates & More: The PubÂlic Domain Review’s SecÂond Book of Essays
Based in Seoul, ColÂin Marshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities and the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles. FolÂlow him on the social netÂwork forÂmerÂly known as TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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