For those lookÂing to boost their skills or explore new fields withÂout breakÂing the bank, Class CenÂtral has done the heavy liftÂing. Known as a search engine for online coursÂes, Class CenÂtral has comÂpiled what might be the largest colÂlecÂtion of free online cerÂtifiÂcates and badges availÂable anyÂwhere. From tech giants like Google and Microsoft to elite uniÂverÂsiÂties like HarÂvard and StanÂford, this list covÂers a diverse range of subÂjects and skill sets.
There was a time when the world’s top uniÂverÂsiÂties used to offer free cerÂtifiÂcates for comÂpletÂing online coursÂes. While most of those cerÂtifiÂcates are no longer free, many of the coursÂes themÂselves remain open to learnÂers, covÂerÂing topÂics like ComÂputÂer SciÂence, LitÂerÂaÂture, and BusiÂness.
CerÂtifiÂcates can serve as both motiÂvaÂtion and proof of achieveÂment for comÂpletÂing online coursÂes. While platÂforms like CoursÂera and edX have moved toward paid cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtions, a surÂprisÂing numÂber of free options remain — if you know where to look. ThankÂfulÂly, Class Central’s guide makes it easy to find these opporÂtuÂniÂties.
What’s IncludÂed in the Guide?
The artiÂcle orgaÂnizes free cerÂtifiÂcate offerÂings by providers, includÂing:
- Google: Over 1,000 free cerÂtifiÂcates and badges in topÂics like digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing, Android develÂopÂment, and AI.
- HarÂvard: Free cerÂtifiÂcates for their popÂuÂlar CS50 series and othÂer online coursÂes.
- StanÂford MedÂiÂcine: MedÂical coursÂes offerÂing free cerÂtifiÂcates and CME credÂit.
- LinkedIn LearnÂing: 110+ hours of free cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtions in busiÂness, techÂnolÂoÂgy, and design.
- SemÂrush AcadÂeÂmy: 90+ coursÂes with free cerÂtifiÂcates focused on marÂketÂing and SEO.
- CodeSÂigÂnal: 700+ free skill cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtions to valÂiÂdate codÂing, techÂniÂcal abilÂiÂties, and soft skills.
If you’re ready to explore the full list of free coursÂes and cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtions, head over to Class Central’s detailed guide: MasÂsive List of ThouÂsands of Free CerÂtifiÂcates and Badges. It’s a treaÂsure trove for anyÂone lookÂing to learn someÂthing new, enhance their resume, or simÂply satÂisÂfy their curiosÂiÂty — all for free!
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