The Complete Howard Stern Interview with Kamala Harris

It’s hard to know where to start. This elec­tion comes down to whether we want to reward some­one who tried to sub­vert our democ­ra­cy four years ago. Whether we want to pre­serve the alliances that have kept the peace since World War II. Whether women want to resist los­ing rights they long thought secure. (It’s abor­tion now, and IVF and con­tra­cep­tion next.) Whether we want two new extrem­ists on the Supreme Court for decades to come. Whether we want basic com­pe­tence in the White House, or a men­tal­ly declin­ing chaos agent that calls the shots. Whether we want to hon­or basic facts, or pro­mote con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries that erode any sense of truth. The list goes on.

It’s dis­cour­ag­ing that it’s even close, but nine years into this fever dream, we should­n’t be sur­prised that we’re head­ing towards anoth­er razor-thin elec­tion. Above, Kamala Har­ris tells Howard Stern, “Let’s not throw up our hands. Let’s roll up our sleeves, because this is our coun­try.” We’d urge you to take action and vote on Novem­ber 5, or for­ev­er hold your peace. This is your chance to have a say.

Watch the com­plete Howard Stern inter­view with Kamala Har­ris above.

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