More than 50 years and 10 presÂiÂdenÂtial adminÂisÂtraÂtions have passed since Orson Welles narÂratÂed FreeÂdom RivÂer (1971). And while it shows signs of age, the aniÂmatÂed film, a paraÂble about the role of immiÂgraÂtion, race, and wealth in AmerÂiÂca, still resÂonates today. ActuÂalÂly, givÂen the cynÂiÂcal exploitaÂtion of xenoÂphoÂbia durÂing this most unpresÂiÂdenÂtial of presÂiÂdenÂtial camÂpaigns, you could say that FreeÂdom River strikes a bigÂger chord than it has in years. That’s why we’re feaÂturÂing the aniÂmaÂtion once again on Open CulÂture.
The backÂstoÂry behind the film deserves a litÂtle menÂtion. AccordÂing to Joseph CavelÂla, a writer for the film, it took a litÂtle cajolÂing and perÂseÂverÂance to get Orson Welles involved in the film.
For sevÂerÂal years, BosusÂtow ProÂducÂtions had asked Orson Welles, then livÂing in Paris, to narÂrate one of their films. He nevÂer respondÂed. When I finÂished the FreeÂdom RivÂer script, we sent it to him togethÂer with a portable reel to reel tape recorder and a sizÂable check and crossed our finÂgers. He was either desÂperÂate for monÂey or (I would rather believe) someÂthing in it touched him because two weeks latÂer we got the reel back with the narÂraÂtion word for word and we were on our way.
Indeed, they were.
DirectÂed by Sam Weiss, FreeÂdom RivÂer tells the stoÂry of decline–of a once-great nation lapsÂing into ugliÂness. Despite the comÂfortÂing myths we like to tell ourÂselves here in AmerÂiÂca, that ugliÂness has always been there. XenoÂphoÂbia, greed, racism (you could add a few more traits to the list) are nothÂing new. They just tend to surÂface when demÂaÂgogues make it perÂmisÂsiÂble, which is preÂciseÂly what we’re seeÂing right now. ForÂtuÂnateÂly, Welles’s narÂraÂtion leaves us with room to hope, with room to believe that our citÂiÂzens will rise above what our worst leadÂers have to offer.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Future Shock: Orson Welles NarÂrates a 1972 Film About the PerÂils of TechÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal Change
An AniÂmaÂtion of Orson Welles’ Famous Frozen Peas Rant
This post is gaslightÂing. Trump is NOT against legal immiÂgraÂtion, he is opposed to the illeÂgal immiÂgraÂtion of of milÂlions of unvetÂted sinÂgle men. Shame on you.
IlleÂgal immiÂgrants wantÂiÂng a betÂter life is someÂthing I can underÂstand and accept. Shame on you for not