Andrew Huberman–the host of the influÂenÂtial HuberÂman Lab podÂcast–has gotÂten a lot of mileage out of his recÂomÂmendÂed mornÂing rouÂtine. His rouÂtine emphaÂsizes the imporÂtance of getÂting sunÂlight withÂin 30–60 minÂutes of wakÂing; also engagÂing in light physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty; hydratÂing well; and avoidÂing cofÂfee for the first 90–120 minÂutes. In his words:
I highÂly recÂomÂmend that everyÂbody delay their cafÂfeine intake for 90 to 120 minÂutes after wakÂing. HowÂevÂer painful it may be to evenÂtuÂalÂly arrive at that 90 to 120 minÂutes after wakÂing, you want, and I encourÂage you, to clear out whatÂevÂer residÂual adenoÂsine is cirÂcuÂlatÂing in your sysÂtem in that first 90 to 120 minÂutes of the day. Get that sunÂlight expoÂsure, get some moveÂment to wake up, and then, and only then, start to ingest cafÂfeine because what you’ll do if you delay cafÂfeine intake until 90 to 120 minÂutes after wakÂing is you will avoid the so-called afterÂnoon crash.
And if you drink cafÂfeine at any point throughÂout the day, realÂly try and avoid any cafÂfeine, cerÂtainÂly avoid drinkÂing more than a hunÂdred milÂligrams of cafÂfeine after 4:00 p.m and probÂaÂbly even betÂter to limÂit your last cafÂfeine intake to 3:00 p.m. or even 2:00 p.m.
For many, this isn’t exactÂly a welÂcome piece of advice. And you natÂuÂralÂly wonÂder how the advice sits with James HoffÂmann, author of The World Atlas of CofÂfee, who has develÂoped a robust YouTube chanÂnel where he explores the ins and outs of makÂing cofÂfee. In the video above, HoffÂmann explores the research supÂportÂing HuberÂman’s advice, all with the goal of deterÂminÂing whether HuberÂman is ruinÂing (or improvÂing) our earÂly wakÂing hours.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
How HumanÂiÂty Got Hooked on CofÂfee: An AniÂmatÂed HisÂtoÂry
The Birth of EspresÂso: The StoÂry Behind the CofÂfee Shots That Fuel ModÂern Life
The CuriÂous StoÂry of London’s First CofÂfeeÂhousÂes (1650–1675)
I stopped drinkÂing cofÂfee on my comÂmute more than 10 years ago. MostÂly because I got tired of makÂing it every mornÂing. Instead I had a botÂtle of water. I did feel a litÂtle betÂter, at least in the mornÂing. Now I’m retired and my mornÂings are just about relaxÂing and thinkÂing about if I’m going to do anyÂthing today. One thing is for sure, I do feel a lot betÂter sleepÂing in.