9‑Year-Old Edward Hopper Draws a Picture on the Back of His 3rd Grade Report Card

In a 2017 press release, the Edward Hop­per House announced that it would receive over 1,000 arti­facts and mem­o­ra­bil­ia doc­u­ment­ing Edward Hop­per’s fam­i­ly life and ear­ly years. The col­lec­tion “con­sists of juve­nil­ia and oth­er mate­ri­als from the for­ma­tive years of Hop­per’s life and includes orig­i­nal let­ters, draw­ings from his school years … pho­tographs, orig­i­nal news­pa­per arti­cles, and oth­er items that allow vis­i­tors to expe­ri­ence first­hand how Hop­per’s child­hood and home envi­ron­ment shaped his art.”

Above you can find Exhib­it A from the col­lec­tion. A pic­ture that young Hop­per, only 9 years old, drew on the back of his 3rd grade report card in 1891. A sure ear­ly sign of his tal­ents.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

What Makes Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks a Great Paint­ing?: A Video Essay

How Edward Hop­per “Sto­ry­board­ed” His Icon­ic Paint­ing Nighthawks

Edward Hopper’s Icon­ic Paint­ing Nighthawks Explained in a 7‑Minute Video Intro­duc­tion

How Cin­e­ma Inspired Edward Hopper’s Great Paint­ings, and How Edward Hop­per Inspired Great Film­mak­ers

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  • Kai says:

    What a great sketch, thank you for shar­ing. All tal­ent notwith­stand­ing, I’m scep­ti­cal that this is the work of a 9‑year old. Do we know if this has been dat­ed dili­gent­ly? Thank you.

  • Amy White says:

    I must ask to what extent it has been ver­i­fied that Hop­per was age 9 when this was drawn — it looks like an adult or at least old­er con­cep­tion of a young per­son­’s expe­ri­ence. He could’ve done it at 14 or 17 or lat­er. Thanks for any info you might have.

  • Mark says:

    Exact­ly — just because it’s on the back of a 3rd grade report card does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean it was drawn at that time. I think a child might sign his work ‘Edward Hop­per’ rather than sim­ply ‘Hop­per’.
    Did Hop­per him­self ver­i­fy the date of this?

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