What could our future world look like if we continue to do nothing about climate change? That’s the question posed by a new TED ED video, written by Shannon Odell and directed by Sofia Pashaei. We are already seeing the effects of climate change. If you’re paying even a little attention, you’re feeling the hotter summers (which is reflected in the data). You’re noticing the increasing number of droughts. You’re seeing the growing number of forest fires, etc. So, “what will our world look like in the next 30 to 80 years, if we continue on the current path?” With the video above, get a glimpse of the possible world to come.
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Did Al Gore and the Obamas sell their waterfront mansions yet? I didn’t think so. Hell, I’m still waiting for the next “Coming ice age” that Time magazine predicted in 1975. Gotta love fear mongering!
Do some research those covers are altered.
The only thing that will happen is the world will continue to evolve by nature as it always has and the people who push climate change as a major issue will not make as much money off of their scare tactics and scams. You people are shills and idiots.
Barely enough time for major changes,
but I feel enough confidence in those
folks who push forward for all of us -
including the ignorant.
Imagine being dumb, so observations of what other people are doing in response to nature is more effective than your own observations of nature.
There’s plenty of evidence that change is happening at a concerning rate if you’re willing to look for it. That you area may not be effected is probably all that matters to you, though.
The evidence supporting global warming is overwhelming, with scientific consensus reaching nearly 100%. You can bury your head in the sand only too long, and doing so only hurts everyone else on the planet.
When the famines start, I hope you’re the first to starve.
Why lurk here to spread hate and insults? If you choose to denigrate and disbelieve climate change, why are you here? Very curious. Anyway, the video IMHO is far too optimistic and fails to take into account acceleration, various trigger points that will accumulate, and system collapse, particularly food production and transportation. We’re going to see hellish effects in the next 5–10 years or sooner, and possibly the loss of billions of lives. The video tries vainly to offer “hope” that it’s not too late, but changes are baked in. We could cease all fossil fuel use right now and it wouldn’t change the trajectory. The Earth was wondrous, but in our hubris and obsession with domination we soiled our own home. She will survive in some form. We won’t. Highly recommend The Busy Worker’s Guide to the Apocalypse for a brutal yet evidence-based summary of the facts.
Why? What makes you wish death on a stranger with a different opinion? Is this really who you are? Is this your highest self? Do you treat people this way irl? I’ve spouted off nasty things in comments before. Then gone back to delete them when I realized that my hostility is part of the problem and does nothing to assuage my anger and fear. Responses like that just leak more darkness and hate into the world, I figure. I hope you’ll see this too.