What Earth Could Look Like in 2050 If We Do Nothing About Climate Change


What could our future world look like if we con­tin­ue to do noth­ing about cli­mate change? That’s the ques­tion posed by a new TED ED video, writ­ten by Shan­non Odell and direct­ed by Sofia Pashaei. We are already see­ing the effects of cli­mate change. If you’re pay­ing even a lit­tle atten­tion, you’re feel­ing the hot­ter sum­mers (which is reflect­ed in the data). You’re notic­ing the increas­ing num­ber of droughts. You’re see­ing the grow­ing num­ber of for­est fires, etc. So, “what will our world look like in the next 30 to 80 years, if we con­tin­ue on the cur­rent path?” With the video above, get a glimpse of the pos­si­ble world to come.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Carl Sagan Warns Con­gress about Cli­mate Change (1985)

Frank Capra’s Sci­ence Film The Unchained God­dess Warns of Cli­mate Change in 1958

Free: Watch Our Plan­et, a Ground­break­ing Nature Doc­u­men­tary Series Nar­rat­ed by David Atten­bor­ough


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  • Jonathan Collins says:

    Did Al Gore and the Oba­mas sell their water­front man­sions yet? I did­n’t think so. Hell, I’m still wait­ing for the next “Com­ing ice age” that Time mag­a­zine pre­dict­ed in 1975. Got­ta love fear mon­ger­ing!

  • Alan rowe says:

    Do some research those cov­ers are altered.

  • John Dixon says:

    The only thing that will hap­pen is the world will con­tin­ue to evolve by nature as it always has and the peo­ple who push cli­mate change as a major issue will not make as much mon­ey off of their scare tac­tics and scams. You peo­ple are shills and idiots.

  • Rod Stasick says:

    Bare­ly enough time for major changes,
    but I feel enough con­fi­dence in those
    folks who push for­ward for all of us -
    includ­ing the igno­rant.

  • Nero says:

    Imag­ine being dumb, so obser­va­tions of what oth­er peo­ple are doing in response to nature is more effec­tive than your own obser­va­tions of nature.

  • Hornigast says:

    There’s plen­ty of evi­dence that change is hap­pen­ing at a con­cern­ing rate if you’re will­ing to look for it. That you area may not be effect­ed is prob­a­bly all that mat­ters to you, though.

  • Memur says:

    The evi­dence sup­port­ing glob­al warm­ing is over­whelm­ing, with sci­en­tif­ic con­sen­sus reach­ing near­ly 100%. You can bury your head in the sand only too long, and doing so only hurts every­one else on the plan­et.

  • John says:

    When the famines start, I hope you’re the first to starve.

  • Shoegaze says:

    Why lurk here to spread hate and insults? If you choose to den­i­grate and dis­be­lieve cli­mate change, why are you here? Very curi­ous. Any­way, the video IMHO is far too opti­mistic and fails to take into account accel­er­a­tion, var­i­ous trig­ger points that will accu­mu­late, and sys­tem col­lapse, par­tic­u­lar­ly food pro­duc­tion and trans­porta­tion. We’re going to see hell­ish effects in the next 5–10 years or soon­er, and pos­si­bly the loss of bil­lions of lives. The video tries vain­ly to offer “hope” that it’s not too late, but changes are baked in. We could cease all fos­sil fuel use right now and it wouldn’t change the tra­jec­to­ry. The Earth was won­drous, but in our hubris and obses­sion with dom­i­na­tion we soiled our own home. She will sur­vive in some form. We won’t. High­ly rec­om­mend The Busy Worker’s Guide to the Apoc­a­lypse for a bru­tal yet evi­dence-based sum­ma­ry of the facts.

  • Shoegaze says:

    Why? What makes you wish death on a stranger with a dif­fer­ent opin­ion? Is this real­ly who you are? Is this your high­est self? Do you treat peo­ple this way irl? I’ve spout­ed off nasty things in com­ments before. Then gone back to delete them when I real­ized that my hos­til­i­ty is part of the prob­lem and does noth­ing to assuage my anger and fear. Respons­es like that just leak more dark­ness and hate into the world, I fig­ure. I hope you’ll see this too.

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