PanÂtone has declared “Peach Fuzz” the ColÂor of the Year. This selecÂtion, howÂevÂer, raisÂes the quesÂtion: How did PanÂtone become the globÂal authorÂiÂty on colÂor? Above, the Wall Street JourÂnal describes how PanÂtone began as a comÂmerÂcial printÂing comÂpaÂny durÂing the 1950s. Then, in the earÂly 60s, it evolved into someÂthing quite difÂferÂent. RecÂogÂnizÂing that its clients (and othÂer comÂpaÂnies) need to print mateÂriÂals with conÂsisÂtent colÂors, PanÂtone creÂatÂed a uniÂverÂsal colÂor lanÂguage, the PanÂtone MatchÂing SysÂtem (PMS), where each colÂor is assigned a speÂcifÂic numÂber. For instance, “Peach Fuzz” corÂreÂsponds to #FFBE98. As Slate points out, this sysÂtem ensured that “printÂers and clients would have a shared refÂerÂence when they talk to one another—an indusÂtry stanÂdard, so that a colÂor would mean the same thing all the way from a designer’s vision to the printÂed item.” Over the next 60 years, PanÂtone conÂtinÂued to nurÂture the PanÂtone MatchÂing SysÂtem, undoubtÂedÂly genÂerÂatÂing sigÂnifÂiÂcant revÂenue along the way and, more imporÂtantÂly, makÂing itself the arbiter of colÂor worldÂwide.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
A 900-Page Pre-PanÂtone Guide to ColÂor from 1692: A ComÂplete DigÂiÂtal Scan
Prince Gets an OffiÂcial PurÂple PanÂtone ColÂor
Yuck. It looks like a bandaid