Ian BremÂmer, a politÂiÂcal sciÂenÂtist and presÂiÂdent of EuraÂsia Group, has an intelÂliÂgent, fair, and humane way of explainÂing crises around the world. That includes the curÂrent criÂsis in the MidÂdle East. Above, he spends an hour disÂcussing the Israeli-PalesÂtinÂian conÂflict and its geo-politÂiÂcal and hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext. SpeakÂing with BigÂThink’s ediÂtor-in-chief, Robert ChapÂman-Smith, BremÂmer delves “into interÂnal polÂiÂtics in Israel — includÂing growÂing disÂsent against the govÂernÂment, how the conÂflict in Gaza is being hanÂdled, the influÂence of hard-right politÂiÂcal parÂties, and the impact of these facÂtors on the relaÂtionÂship between Israel and the PalesÂtiniÂans.” Below you can find timeÂstamps for the difÂferÂent subÂjects covÂered.
0:00 PalesÂtiniÂans forÂgotÂten
6:30 Israel’s domesÂtic instaÂbilÂiÂty
13:17 Israel and Gulf states
19:28 Hamas’ stratÂeÂgy
27:06 Social media disÂinÂforÂmaÂtion
37:20 Israel’s stratÂeÂgy and peace
44:40 U.S. supÂport for Israel
49:32 World War 3?
54:07 Two-state soluÂtion
RelatÂed ConÂtent
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