Late this sumÂmer, the TalkÂing Heads released a remasÂtered verÂsion of their conÂcert film, Stop MakÂing Sense. Although the film has already left some theÂaters, the band hasÂn’t stopped proÂmotÂing it. Above, David Byrne, JerÂry HarÂriÂson, Chris Frantz and Tina WeyÂmouth join Stephen ColÂbert and remÂiÂnisce about their advenÂtures at RISD, CBGÂBs, and tourÂing with The Ramones. It’s great seeÂing the band sharÂing a stage (and a laugh) again, even if there are no instruÂments in sight. Find Part 1 above, and parts 2 and 3 below…
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