Behold a crowdÂsourced, colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive art project where more than 130 aniÂmaÂtors and filmÂmakÂers from 11 difÂferÂent counÂtries joined togethÂer and remade a full episode of FrasiÂer. (It’s the finale of SeaÂson 1, “My CofÂfee with Niles.”) The proÂjecÂt’s masÂterÂmind, Jacob Reed, asked indiÂvidÂual artists to aniÂmate difÂferÂent scenes, each with a difÂferÂent style, and then he stitched them all togethÂer. Above, you can see how everyÂthing hangs togethÂer.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Disney’s 12 TimeÂless PrinÂciÂples of AniÂmaÂtion
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