The Complete Collection Of MTV’s Headbangers Ball: Watch 1,215 Videos from the Heyday of Metal Videos

Pre­mier­ing in April 1987, MTV’s Head­bangers Ball fea­tured music videos from met­al and hard rock bands of the 80s and 90s–everyone from AC/DC and Möt­ley Crüe, to Ozzy Osbourne, Def Lep­pard and Twist­ed Sis­ter, to Judas Priest, Iron Maid­en and Van Halen. If you’re jonesing to revis­it some met­al clas­sics, you’re in luck. Some enter­pris­ing soul has cre­at­ed a playlist of 1,215 music videos fea­tured on Head­bangers Ball. Watch them above. And all along, keep in mind, that the met­al­head kids who passed their time watch­ing these videos turned out alright in the end, large­ly becom­ing well-adjust­ed adults. Or so that’s what ret­ro­spec­tive sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies show. Enjoy…

PS For those who want to re-expe­ri­ence anoth­er MTV show, vis­it this: All the Music Played on MTV’s 120 Min­utes: A 2,500-Video Youtube Playlist

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via Brook­lyn Veg­an

Relat­ed Con­tent 

1980s Met­al­head Kids Are Alright: Sci­en­tif­ic Study Shows That They Became Well-Adjust­ed Adults

Watch Heavy Met­al Park­ing Lot, the Cult Clas­sic Film That Ranks as One of the “Great Rock Doc­u­men­taries” of All Time

Watch the First Two Hours of MTV’s Inau­gur­al Broad­cast (August 1, 1981)

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Comments (15)
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  • LWA says:

    This is fan-flip­pung-tas­tic! The good ‘ol days! Life was sim­pler and soci­ety did­n’t have a stick up it’s ass.

  • Richie says:

    Yea who knew ol Nik­ki Sixx would abuse his fame to stalk a reg­u­lar girl three decades lat­er. Some girl named Vanes­sa with a user­name Brock­et­tqueen on Insta­gram. He abused her then framed her and then she bust­ed him stalk­ing her. He’s the first celebri­ty in his­to­ry to become obsessed with a reg­u­lar fan. Look at her pinned con­tent. She’s got court­room sur­veil­lance with him in the case. He’s a prick with some seri­ous men­tal prob­lems.

  • Shyann Spencer says:

    I’m sor­ry, but i don’t know if I believe this, not that you care. I would­n’t care, IF I were you. And if it was true, cause if it is, own it, BUT WHY ARE YOU ON HERE TALKING ABOUT IT? I THINK YOU’RE THE CHICK, VANESSA. I THINK YOU ARE “BRAGGING”& name drop­ping, and it’s fun­ny- what are you try­ing to do with that sto­ry, any­way? THE GOAL??! We’re ALL human, why could­n’t he fall for a fan? What’s wrong with that, and you are wrong, GO FIGURE, yet again, 🤭He isn’t the first rock­star to fall in love w/a fan. JANI LANE/BOBBY BROWN Obsessed is the word you choose. YOU WISH. I THINK YOU WISH. YOU ARE VANESSA. YOU.😻MEOW.

  • Shyann Spencer says:

    Agreed. Time machine, please.… Like Axl in 1989.… (All year long, baby, yum­my)! Ha ha If could, I go back to that sim­pler time, any­day… 😻😻!

  • Pez93 says:

    I’d love to have this on Bluer­ay or DVD.
    Going back and watch­ing some of the BEST
    Bands around, to this day, some get­ting their recog­ni­tion because of Head Bangers Ball.

    See­ing all the old bands we loved. Know­ing
    now, sad­ly, many of them are no longer with
    us.Dime & Vin­nie, Chris Cor­nell, Layne, Randy
    Rhodes, Lenny……the list is too long.

    Couldn’t wait for Sat­ur­day night, hang­ing out with
    friends to watch Riki Racht­man, Host­ing, Head
    Bangers Ball! Final­ly! A show with REAL “music.”
    Rock and Met­al fans were glued to the TV wait­ing
    to see what NEW Band would become our Favorite
    this week. Nev­er want­i­ng to miss a minute of the
    BEST show on tele­vi­sion— Head Bangers Ball!

    The ear­ly 90’s was an amaz­ing time for Rock
    music. A time I’m thank­ful I was a part of.
    The mem­o­ries this brings back is a nos­tal­gic
    reminder of an idyl­lic time for many music lovers.
    I wish they would bring it back so the Rock and
    Met­al lovers of today, could enjoy it like we did.

  • says:

    I’d love to have a list of all these bands and their songs to add to my library of music. I have a bunch of their cds but I’m sure I’ve missed some.

  • Jake says:

    It’s true. Your just mad cause you want his lit­tle wee wee

  • Roofmaster007 says:

    I remem­ber it was on after school. Then moved to Sat­ur­day night. We would drink beer, play cards and crank the TV. It’s how I dis­cov­ered bands like Sepultura,Testament,death angel, white Zom­bie and Minestry to name a few. No inter­net, no cell phones and peo­ple did­n’t get their feel­ings hurt over every lit­tle thing. And all the HOT girls were into it. Great times indeed.

  • Jonathan says:

    I was a big fan of HB. Watched many bands get their start there includ­ing the first time a lit­tle song called “Wel­come to the jun­gle” was played!

  • Jeffrey bishop says:

    If those 1215 videos were on dvds,i would buy them. What a col­lec­tion.

  • Gordon says:

    That IS vanes­sa clark. she is a stalk­er and he had to take her to court.

  • Gordon says:

    Get some help Vanes­sa. Seri­ous­ly. That’s enough.

  • Kay says:

    And you’re not ‘some girl’ You are a 40 year old woman with schit­z­o­phre­nia. You cut that court room footage in to tiny seg­ments. You need to be locked up.

  • Gordon says:

    Make that clos­er to 50 years old. Vanes­sa Clark has ill­ness

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