School Principal, Forced to Resign After Students Learn About Michelangelo’s “David,” Visits the Renaissance Statue in Florence

In March, a Flori­da school prin­ci­pal lost her job when 6th graders encoun­tered Michelangelo’s “David” dur­ing an art his­to­ry lesson–even though the school osten­si­bly spe­cial­izes in offer­ing stu­dents “a con­tent-rich clas­si­cal edu­ca­tion in the lib­er­al arts and sci­ences.” Par­ents appar­ent­ly found the Renais­sance sculp­ture, um, “porno­graph­ic.”

Fast for­ward two months, and the for­mer prin­ci­pal Hope Car­rasquil­la has now trav­eled to Flo­rence and vis­it­ed Michelangelo’s “David” in per­son. This came at the invi­ta­tion of the may­or of Flo­rence, Dario Nardel­la, and the direc­tor of the Gal­le­ria dell’Accademia, Cecilie Holl­berg. Above you can see Holl­berg on the left, and Car­rasquil­la on the right.

On Insta­gram, Car­rasquil­la com­ment­ed:

I’m very impressed. The thing that strikes me the most, and that I did­n’t know, is that this whole gallery was built for him [Michelangelo’s “David”]. I think it’s beau­ti­ful, it looks like a church. And to me, that just rep­re­sents real­ly the puri­ty of this fig­ure and you see his human­i­ty.  There is noth­ing wrong with the human body. Michelan­ge­lo did noth­ing wrong. He could only sculpt it like this. It could­n’t be oth­er­wise. He’s won­der­ful and I’m real­ly hap­py to be here.

In her own state­ment, Holl­berg said:

I am delight­ed to wel­come her and show her the mag­nif­i­cence of our muse­um, as well as per­son­al­ly intro­duce her to David, a sculp­ture that I reit­er­ate has noth­ing to do with pornog­ra­phy. It is a mas­ter­piece rep­re­sent­ing a reli­gious sym­bol of puri­ty and inno­cence, the tri­umph of good over evil. His nudi­ty is an out­ward man­i­fes­ta­tion of Renais­sance thought, which con­sid­ered man the cen­tre of the uni­verse. Peo­ple from all over the world, includ­ing many Amer­i­cans, make the pil­grim­age to admire him every year. Cur­rent­ly, more than 50% of vis­i­tors are from the Unit­ed States. I am cer­tain that Ms. Car­rasquil­la will receive the wel­come and sol­i­dar­i­ty she deserves here in Flo­rence.

Flori­da may be can­cel­ing clas­si­cal art and thought. Flo­rence is decid­ed­ly not.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

How Michelangelo’s David Still Draws Admi­ra­tion and Con­tro­ver­sy Today

Michelangelo’s Illus­trat­ed Gro­cery List

Take a 3D Vir­tu­al Tour of the Sis­tine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basil­i­ca and Oth­er Art-Adorned Vat­i­can Spaces

Leonar­do da Vinci’s Hand­writ­ten Resume (1482)

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  • Enrique Velasco says:

    It looks like fas­cism and igno­rance are wel­come in USA!!

  • N says:

    ‘Flori­da may be can­cel­ing clas­si­cal art and thought. Flo­rence is decid­ed­ly not.’ 👏 👏 👏 a per­fect­ly made bow to par­cel up this arti­cle.

  • Nic says:

    I pray for a school that will immerse my chil­dren in such an edu­ca­tion. Beau­ti­ful art­work of the human body. Let’s teach our chil­dren to have appre­ci­a­tion, to see and have depth.

  • Nancy says:

    Bra­vo! Good for her!!! I can’t believe par­ents any­more. What have we become? Oth­er coun­tries swim togeth­er almost naked or even naked and think noth­ing of it! We let our chil­dren play hor­ri­ble video games, etc. Are we look­ing at every­thing in his­to­ry as bad???? We are mak­ing our coun­try sick by look­ing at every­thing and mak­ing it sick and per­vert­ed. Wow! These chil­dren know way more than you think. Teach­ing K‑8 I have first­hand knowl­edge! Get a grip USA!!! Don’t sour every­thing by your ugly per­cep­tions! Even if the chil­dren had a gig­gle over David, so what? I think they all know what male gen­i­tals look like by that age. If not then now they do. Big Deal!

  • Maria Santos says:

    Flori­da is not “can­cel­ing clas­si­cal art and thought” and you know it! Get your facts straight about this. It was a FEW par­ents in one pri­vate school in Flori­da that didn’t like it that the school didn’t send home notes about the upcom­ing view­ing of the Stat­ue, ask­ing for their per­mis­sion for their chil­dren to see pic­tures of the Stat­ue (which they always did in the past)

    Maybe do some research before report­ing your garbage?

  • Richard says:

    Be more ashamed of your bod­ies. Through shame and fear of your own self, you can scram­ble your brain, make your­self anx­ious, unhap­py and vul­ner­a­ble to preda­to­ry reli­gious lead­ers that will abuse your weak­ness. Does­n’t that sound like a good life?

  • Craig says:

    The David was cre­at­ed to leave the dark ages and to enter an age of human­ism. Flori­da appar­ent­ly is still in the dark ages

  • EK says:

    “Don’t sour every­thing”? Igno­rance is not a virtue, so I’d keep these mis­con­cep­tions to your­self. Besides, don’t chide us over this when your own coun­try is third-world crap.

  • Manny says:

    As an Amer­i­can I agree that many of us do “sour every­thing”. If this upsets you then then you are part of the prob­lem. Good mon­ey says you’ve nev­er been to Europe or a Third World coun­try. And your atti­tude is why many Amer­i­cans abroad have to make excus­es and apol­o­gize for our igno­rant coun­try­men.

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