When YayÂoi Kusama first arrived in New York, in the late nineÂteen-fifties, she must have sensed that she was in a pracÂtiÂcalÂly ideÂal time and place to make abstract art. That would explain why she subÂseÂquentÂly began creÂatÂing a series of large paintÂings we now know as InfinÂiÂty Nets, all of which conÂsist soleÂly of patÂterns of polÂka dots — or at least what look like patÂterns, and what look like polÂka dots, when viewed from a disÂtance. Up close, there’s someÂthing quite difÂferÂent going on, someÂthing altoÂgethÂer more organÂic, irregÂuÂlar, and ever-shiftÂing. and the best method of underÂstandÂing it is to pick up a brush and paint an infinÂiÂty net of your own.
You can learn how to do that by watchÂing the video above, which comes from CoursÂera and the MuseÂum of ModÂern Art’s online course “In the StuÂdio: PostÂwar Abstract PaintÂing.” In it, painter Corey D’AuÂgusÂtine goes through all the steps of exeÂcutÂing a finÂished canÂvas in the style of Kusama’s InfinÂiÂty Nets, which requires litÂtle conÂvenÂtionÂal techÂniÂcal skill, but a great deal of patience.
D’AuÂgusÂtine sugÂgests that you “lose yourÂself in the serÂiÂal activÂiÂty” of paintÂing all these tiny shapes “as a way to quiÂet the mind.” Get deep enough into it, and “you won’t be thinkÂing about your job or your chilÂdren or whatÂevÂer it is, whatÂevÂer kind of stressÂes you have on your mind norÂmalÂly.
This therÂaÂpeuÂtic view isn’t a milÂlion miles from what Kusama has said of her own motiÂvaÂtions for creÂatÂing art. Even before launchÂing into the InfinÂiÂty Nets propÂer, she was paintÂing polÂka-dot fields out of inspiÂraÂtion givÂen to her by the halÂluÂciÂnaÂtions she’d been sufÂferÂing since the age of ten. Now, at the age of 94, she’s long been a world-renowned artist, one who volÂunÂtarÂiÂly resides at a menÂtal-health facilÂiÂty when not at work in her stuÂdio furÂther explorÂing the very same visuÂal conÂcepts with which she began. You can learn more about Kusama’s life from the mateÂrÂiÂal we’ve preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on Open CulÂture, and if you want to go all the way into her world, there’s always her autoÂbiÂogÂraÂphy, InfinÂiÂty Net.
RelatÂed conÂtent:
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Steve MarÂtin on How to Look at Abstract Art
Based in Seoul, ColÂin Marshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
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