CreÂative ComÂmons image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin
Long ago, in the ancient civÂiÂlizaÂtion of Mesopotamia, AkkaÂdiÂan was the domÂiÂnant lanÂguage. And, for cenÂturies, it remained the linÂgua franÂca in the Ancient Near East. But then it was gradÂuÂalÂly squeezed out by AraÂmaÂic, and it fadÂed into oblivÂion once AlexanÂder the Great HelÂlÂenized (GreekÂiÂfied) the region.
Now, 2,000+ years latÂer, AkkaÂdiÂan is makÂing a small comeÂback. At CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty, Dr. MarÂtin WorÂthingÂton, an expert in BabyÂlonÂian and AssyrÂiÂan gramÂmar, has startÂed recordÂing readÂings of poems, myths and othÂer texts in AkkaÂdiÂan, includÂing The Epic of GilÂgamesh. This clip gives you a taste of what GilÂgamesh, one of the earÂliÂest known works of litÂerÂaÂture, sounds like in its mothÂer tongue. Or, you can jump into the full colÂlecÂtion of readÂings right here, courÂtesy of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of LonÂdon.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Epic of GilÂgamesh, the OldÂest-Known Work of LitÂerÂaÂture in World HisÂtoÂry
World LitÂerÂaÂture in 13 Parts: From GilÂgamesh to GarÂcĂa Márquez
20 New Lines from The Epic of GilÂgamesh DisÂcovÂered in Iraq, Adding New Details to the StoÂry
Before his passÂing in 2017, Dr. A.J. FerÂrara was comÂpletÂing the final edits of his epic manÂuÂscript of Inanna’s Descent for pubÂliÂcaÂtion by Oxford Press. Please let me know if it is availÂable. Thank you.