A Street Musician Plays Pink Floyd’s “Time” in Front of the 1,900-Year-Old Pantheon in Rome

To com­mem­o­rate the 50th anniver­sary of Pink Floy­d’s Dark Side of the Moon we bring you this: a busker fit­ting­ly play­ing “Time” in front of the near­ly 2000-year-old Pan­theon in Rome. That the police try to break up the show hard­ly mat­ters. The busker con­tin­ues, and returns on oth­er days to play “Shine on You Crazy Dia­mond” and “Com­fort­ably Numb.” If you’re a Pink Floyd fan, this scene may call to mind Pink Floyd: Live at Pom­peii, the 1972 con­cert doc­u­men­tary that fea­tured the band play­ing eight songs amidst the ruins of Pom­peii. Rock among the rocks. You can explore that scene here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

Watch Pink Floyd Play Live Amidst the Ruins of Pom­peii in 1971 … and David Gilmour Does It Again in 2016

Pink Floyd Plays in Venice on a Mas­sive Float­ing Stage in 1989; Forces the May­or & City Coun­cil to Resign

David Gilmour Invites a Street Per­former to Play Wine Glass­es Onstage With Him In Venice: Hear Them Play “Shine On You Crazy Dia­mond”

The Beau­ty & Inge­nu­ity of the Pan­theon, Ancient Rome’s Best-Pre­served Mon­u­ment: An Intro­duc­tion

Relat­ed Con­tent 

The Beau­ty & Inge­nu­ity of the Pan­theon, Ancient Rome’s Best-Pre­served Mon­u­ment: An Intro­duc­tion

Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon Turns 50: Hear It Get Psy­cho­an­a­lyzed by Neu­ro­sci­en­tist Daniel Lev­itin


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.