In his latÂest aniÂmaÂtion, physiÂcist and sciÂence writer Dominic WalÂliÂman maps out the entire field of engiÂneerÂing and all of its subÂdisÂciÂplines. CivÂil engiÂneerÂing, chemÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing, bio engiÂneerÂing, bioÂmedÂical engiÂneerÂing, mechanÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing, aeroÂspace engiÂneerÂing, marine engiÂneerÂing, elecÂtriÂcal engiÂneerÂing, comÂputÂer engineering–they’re all covÂered here.
In the past, we’ve feaÂtured WalÂliÂman’s othÂer eduÂcaÂtionÂal aniÂmaÂtions that covÂer BiolÂoÂgy, Physics, ChemÂistry, MathÂeÂmatÂics, QuanÂtum ComÂputÂing, ComÂputÂer SciÂence, and more. Click the links to explore each video.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
The Map of Physics: AniÂmaÂtion Shows How All the DifÂferÂent Fields in Physics Fit TogethÂer
Want to make ignoÂrant conÂserÂvÂaÂtive brains explode? Show them this — the map of everyÂthing they are clueÂless about and take for grantÂed.
AmazÂing synÂopÂsis of how our modÂern world was creÂatÂed and is mainÂtained. While I underÂstand all engiÂneerÂing disÂciÂplines could not be covÂered, menÂtionÂing the role of process engiÂneerÂing in the proÂducÂtion of what we conÂsume would be benÂeÂfiÂcial.
What a great video! A simÂple manÂner to explain all conÂnecÂtions. Thank you!!
Would love a colÂor copy/print/illustration of your explaÂnaÂtion of engiÂneerÂing. Are they for sale?
ChemÂiÂcal EngiÂneerÂing is more often used to describe what is othÂerÂwise called Process EngiÂneerÂing
IndusÂtriÂal engiÂneerÂing optiÂmisÂes the appliÂcaÂtion of peoÂple, techÂnolÂoÂgy and monÂey to probÂlems that span engiÂneerÂing disÂciÂplines.
This aniÂmaÂtion is amazÂing! It proÂvides a great visuÂal repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion of how all the varÂiÂous engiÂneerÂing fields are interÂconÂnectÂed. It is espeÂcialÂly helpÂful for stuÂdents who are just startÂing to explore engiÂneerÂing and want to learn more about the difÂferÂent fields. It’s a great way to get a big-picÂture view of engiÂneerÂing and underÂstand how the difÂferÂent disÂciÂplines relate to each othÂer. Great work!
ConÂserÂvÂaÂtive brain? I’d say more like a libÂerÂal brain? IMO, those are genÂerÂalÂly the peoÂple who are clueÂless & don’t underÂstand.
Strange comÂment. I have not observed that conÂserÂvÂaÂtives are clueÂless about things like engiÂneerÂing. And conÂcernÂing the politÂiÂcal leanÂings of engiÂneers themÂselves, since this is a video about engiÂneerÂing, while the softÂware engiÂneerÂing fields seem to lean quite a bit to the DemoÂcÂrat side, hard engiÂneerÂing fields like civÂil, chemÂiÂcal, elecÂtriÂcal, etc are pretÂty balÂanced between DemocÂrats and RepubÂliÂcans.
SecÂond this. ChemÂiÂcal proÂducÂtion, water treatÂment proÂcessÂing, food proÂcessÂing, etc. bachelor’s levÂel course work and conÂcepts are typÂiÂcalÂly mass transÂfer, fluÂid and gas transÂfer and mechanÂics, heat transÂfer, therÂmoÂdyÂnamÂics, mass and enerÂgy accountÂing, reacÂtor design/kinetics, and conÂtrols logic/theory. They do chemÂistry but don’t realÂly design the chemÂistry.
From the cross disÂciÂpliÂnary examÂple, mateÂriÂals engiÂneerÂing deals with the propÂerÂties needÂed but they and chemists would develÂop the mateÂriÂals then chemÂiÂcal engiÂneers would figÂure out how to take the lab scale to large scale or conÂtinÂuÂous proÂducÂtion.
Nice illusÂtraÂtion, howÂevÂer, you neglex
It’s your assumpÂtion that conÂserÂvÂaÂtives are clueÂless about this what do you think funds all these projects? ConÂserÂvÂaÂtive thinkÂing. The free marÂket is free to disÂcovÂer the mysÂterÂies.
I want to join the reseach comÂmuÂniÂty althouh i have some paper that i want to present.The conÂtent of the paper was on enerÂgy conÂtrol and develÂopÂment system.Africa has one of the great enerÂgy atmosÂpherÂic enviÂroÂment thats th world globÂal enerÂgy reseach must come and invest in the sociÂety.