The USGS AstroÂgeÂolÂoÂgy SciÂence CenÂter has recentÂly released a series of colÂorÂful and intriÂcateÂly-detailed maps of Mars. These colÂorÂful maps, notes USGS, “proÂvide highÂly detailed views of the [plantet’s] surÂface and allow sciÂenÂtists to invesÂtiÂgate comÂplex geoÂlogÂic relaÂtionÂships both on and beneath the surÂface. These types of maps are useÂful for both planÂning for and then conÂductÂing landÂed misÂsions.”
The map above lets you see OlymÂpus Mons, the tallest volÂcano in the solar sysÂtem, which stands more than twice the height of Mount EverÂest. The USGS goes on to add: “Map readÂers can visuÂalÂize the caldera comÂplex more easÂiÂly due to the detail that is availÂable at the 1:200,000 scale and the addiÂtion of conÂtour lines to the map. The map covÂers a region that is roughÂly the size of the DalÂlas-Ft. Worth metÂroÂpolÂiÂtan area and is a detailed look at the volcano’s sumÂmit that we have not seen before. This new view of the OlymÂpus Mons caldera comÂplex allows sciÂenÂtists to more easÂiÂly comÂpare it to simÂiÂlar feaÂtures on Earth (known as terÂresÂtriÂal analogs) such as Hawaii’s MauÂna Loa.”
You can find more MarÂtÂian maps here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
The SurÂface of Mars Shown in StunÂning 4K ResÂoÂluÂtion
View and DownÂload NearÂly 60,000 Maps from the U.S. GeoÂlogÂiÂcal SurÂvey (USGS)
VinÂtage GeoÂlogÂiÂcal Maps Get Turned Into 3D TopoÂgraphÂiÂcal WonÂders
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