Your Burning Questions About Coffee Answered by James Hoffmann

If you have a ques­tion about cof­fee, James Hoff­mann prob­a­bly has an answer. The author of The World Atlas of Cof­fee, Hoff­mann has devel­oped a robust YouTube chan­nel where he explores the ins-and-outs of mak­ing coffee–from how to buy great cof­fee, to mak­ing excel­lent cof­fee with The Chemex and the Bialet­ti Moka pot, to grind­ing cof­fee with the right gear. And don’t for­get the mag­ic of adding salt to cof­fee.

Above, in a new video cre­at­ed by Wired, Hoff­mann con­tin­ues his edu­ca­tion­al mis­sion, “answer[ing] the inter­net’s burn­ing ques­tions about cof­fee. What’s the dif­fer­ence between drip and pour over cof­fee? What’s the dif­fer­ence between iced cof­fee and cold brew? Does dark­er roast cof­fee have more caf­feine?” Tak­en togeth­er, he cov­ers a lot of ground in 22 min­utes.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

Every­thing You Ever Want­ed to Know about the Bialet­ti Moka Express: A Deep Dive Into Italy’s Most Pop­u­lar Cof­fee Mak­er

The Bialet­ti Moka Express: The His­to­ry of Italy’s Icon­ic Cof­fee Mak­er, and How to Use It the Right Way

Life and Death of an Espres­so Shot in Super Slow Motion

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