If you have a quesÂtion about cofÂfee, James HoffÂmann probÂaÂbly has an answer. The author of The World Atlas of CofÂfee, HoffÂmann has develÂoped a robust YouTube chanÂnel where he explores the ins-and-outs of makÂing coffee–from how to buy great cofÂfee, to makÂing excelÂlent cofÂfee with The Chemex and the BialetÂti Moka pot, to grindÂing cofÂfee with the right gear. And don’t forÂget the magÂic of adding salt to cofÂfee.
Above, in a new video creÂatÂed by Wired, HoffÂmann conÂtinÂues his eduÂcaÂtionÂal misÂsion, “answer[ing] the interÂnet’s burnÂing quesÂtions about cofÂfee. What’s the difÂferÂence between drip and pour over cofÂfee? What’s the difÂferÂence between iced cofÂfee and cold brew? Does darkÂer roast cofÂfee have more cafÂfeine?” TakÂen togethÂer, he covÂers a lot of ground in 22 minÂutes.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Life and Death of an EspresÂso Shot in Super Slow Motion
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