Deep fried cofÂfee. Yes, it’s a thing, and cofÂfee conÂnoisÂseur James HoffÂmann decidÂed to give it a go. How did it turn out? We won’t spoil it for you–other than to say, don’t be surÂprised if deep fried cofÂfee makes its way into a future ediÂtion of HoffÂmanÂn’s book, The World Atlas of CofÂfee.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
“The Vertue of the COFFEE Drink”: An Ad for London’s First Cafe PrintÂed CirÂca 1652
Life and Death of an EspresÂso Shot in Super Slow Motion
Thank you, This was loveÂly to watch!
I am always interÂestÂed in food and love cofÂfee. At the moment I am “campÂing” in cold weathÂer folÂlowÂing quite some advenÂturÂous delays in a house purÂchase — and the one thing I look forÂward to is my breakÂfast cup of cofÂfee! StepÂping out of the warmth of the duvet is hard and your video made me laugh and spurred me on this mornÂing!
Keep experÂiÂmentÂing and sharÂing!