The Youtube chanÂnel GlamÂourÂDaze invites you to time travÂel back to a sunÂny beach in roarÂing 20s BiarÂritz France. And, to help you along, they’ve enhanced the origÂiÂnal 1928 video with AI techÂnolÂoÂgy. SetÂting the stage, they write:
By the 1920’s, the coastal resort of BiarÂritz on the CĂ´te Basque in France attractÂed the fashÂionÂable and wealthy durÂing the sumÂmer and earÂly autumn. Those who could afford it, stayed at the HĂ´tel du Palais which was origÂiÂnalÂly a sumÂmer vilÂla built for Empress EugĂ©nie. Her visÂits turned BiarÂritz into a popÂuÂlar sumÂmer resort.
The film starts with clips from a hotel overÂlookÂing the beach, then a street fashÂion show. We then move down to the beach for a walk among the sunÂbathers and swimÂmers.
In just a few years over the 1920’s, womÂen’s swimÂsuits had evolved conÂsidÂerÂably when comÂpared to those seen in our recent video “A Day at the Beach c. 1921″.The roarÂing twenÂties saw seisÂmic changes in clothÂing, style and social attiÂtudes.
You can find more hisÂtorÂiÂcal footage restored with AI in the RelatÂeds below.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Footage of FlapÂpers from 1929 Restored & ColÂorized with AI
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