Get the First Biography of Hilma af Klint at a 40% Discount (for a Limited Time)

A quick heads up: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Press will soon pub­lish the first biog­ra­phy of the Swedish avant-garde painter Hilma af Klint–an artist we have explored here many times before. Writ­ten by Julia Voss, the 440-page biog­ra­phy fea­tures near­ly 100 images of Klin­t’s life and art. Until Octo­ber 27th, you can get 40% of the new book if you use the code VOSS40 at this site.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

The Life & Art of Hilma Af Klint: A Short Art His­to­ry Les­son on the Pio­neer­ing Abstract Artist

Dis­cov­er Hilma af Klint: Pio­neer­ing Mys­ti­cal Painter and Per­haps the First Abstract Artist

The Com­plete Works of Hilma af Klint Are Get­ting Pub­lished for the First Time in a Beau­ti­ful, Sev­en-Vol­ume Col­lec­tion

Who Paint­ed the First Abstract Paint­ing?: Wass­i­ly Kandin­sky? Hilma af Klint? Or Anoth­er Con­tender?

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