Since 1990, MarÂtin ScorsÂese has devotÂed the non-filmÂmakÂing part of his career to film preserÂvaÂtion, whether that means the clasÂsics of HolÂlyÂwood or world cinÂeÂma. The over 900 restoraÂtions that he’s helped fund through the Film FounÂdaÂtion non-profÂit have been the subÂject of CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion box sets, speÂcial anniverÂsary screenÂings and fesÂtiÂval showÂings, and now a speÂcial monthÂly online screenÂing room will give viewÂers a chance to see some familÂiar and not-so-familÂiar films that have been saved from destrucÂtion.
AccordÂing to the welÂcome mesÂsage at the RestoraÂtion ScreenÂing Room, “PreÂsenÂtaÂtions will take place withÂin a 24-hour winÂdow on the secÂond MonÂday of each month, along with SpeÂcial FeaÂtures about the films and their restoraÂtion process. MonthÂly proÂgramÂming will encomÂpass a broad array of restoraÂtions, includÂing clasÂsic and indeÂpenÂdent films, docÂuÂmenÂtaries, and silent films from around the world.’”
As of this writÂing, the winÂdow has closed for its inauÂgurÂal film, PowÂell and Pressburger’s 1945 I Know Where I’m Going! but you can still click through to see the extras that come with the film: an IntroÂducÂtion by ScorsÂese; an interÂview with Scorsese’s long-time ediÂtor ThelÂma SchoonÂmakÂer (who was also Powell’s spouse for six years until 1990 and who worked on the restoraÂtion); Kent Jones interÂviewÂing Kevin MacÂdonÂald, the grandÂson of PressÂburgÂer and his biogÂraÂphÂer; the Film Foundation’s MarÂgaret Bodde interÂviewÂing TilÂda SwinÂton, a huge fan of the film; direcÂtors JoanÂna Hogg and ScorsÂese talkÂing about the film; a before and after look at the restoraÂtion; an image gallery; and finalÂly a links page called “explore” that is quite overÂwhelmÂing in its thorÂoughÂness.
The 4K restoration’s next stop is the CriÂteÂriÂon ChanÂnel, so if you subÂscribe to that paid serÂvice, find it there. But the Film Foundation’s preÂmieres are comÂpleteÂly free and feaÂture a live chat on the screenÂing night.
In the comÂing months look forÂward to Fellini’s La StraÂda (June 13), GovinÂdan Aravindan’s KumÂmatÂty (July 11), a douÂble feaÂture of The Chase (d. Arthur RipÂley) and Detour (d. Edgar G. Ulmer) (August 8); Sarah Maldoror’s SamÂbizanÂga (Sep. 12), MarÂlon Brando’s One Eyed Jacks (OctoÂber 10); John Huston’s Moulin Rouge (NovemÂber 14); and Jonas Mekas’ Lost Lost Lost on DecemÂber 12.
The site has no trailÂers, but we’ve got you covÂered:
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Ted Mills is a freeÂlance writer on the arts who curÂrentÂly hosts the Notes from the Shed podÂcast and is the proÂducÂer of KCRÂW’s CuriÂous Coast. You can also folÂlow him on TwitÂter at @tedmills, and/or watch his films here.
Would like to see report to the comÂmonÂer. This is an overÂlooked masÂterÂpiece in my opinÂion.
Report to the comÂmisÂsionÂer. Not comÂmonÂer.
This is amazÂing 🤩