What sepÂaÂrates the CapÂpucÂciÂno from the LatÂte, and the MacÂchiÂaÂto from the DouÂble EspresÂso? These are some imporÂtant questions–questions that demand answers. And EuroÂpean CofÂfee Trip–a YouTube chanÂnel run by two Czech guys with a love for speÂcialÂty coffee–has answers. Above, they break it all down for you. Find timeÂstamps for the difÂferÂent variÂaÂtions below.
0:58 SinÂgle EspresÂso
1:35 DouÂble EspresÂso
1:55 AmerÂiÂcano
2:18 LunÂgo
2:37 FilÂter cofÂfee (no espresÂso!)
3:16 CapÂpucÂciÂno
3:46 EspresÂso MacÂchiÂaÂto
4:07 Cortado/Piccolo
4:30 Flat White
4:54 CafÂfĂ© LatÂte
To delve deepÂer, you can also watch James HoffÂman’s always inforÂmaÂtive video. It covÂers simÂiÂlar ground, but also touchÂes on some othÂer variÂaÂtions of espresÂso drinks.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
The Birth of EspresÂso: The StoÂry Behind the CofÂfee Shots That Fuel ModÂern Life
The Life & Death of an EspresÂso Shot in Super Slow Motion
It’s funÂny that Czech guys explain this, since these are how EngÂlish-speakÂing peoÂple call cerÂtain drinks by using ItalÂian words, mostÂly regardÂless of how we actuÂalÂly call stuff in Italy.
I’m conÂfused. All of them appear to be HOT drinks.
But, some peoÂple tell me that their capÂpucÂciÂnos are ICED.
I hate the taste of cofÂfee but need the cafÂfeine so now I underÂstand the milk ratios and why the latÂte seems to work the best for me.
Have you done a segÂment on black cofÂfees based upon the type of cofÂfee bean (ColomÂbian, IndoneÂsian, etc.)