From the UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan comes a free short course on the RussÂian InvaÂsion of Ukraine. Here’s how they set the conÂtext for the course, which you can find on the CoursÂera platÂform:
“The armed conÂflict in Ukraine first startÂed in the beginÂning of 2014, when RusÂsia invadÂed and annexed the UkrainÂian region of Crimea. Over the past eight years, there has been ongoÂing conÂflict between Ukraine and RusÂsia, with regÂuÂlar shelling and skirÂmishÂes occurÂring along RussÂian and UkrainÂian borÂders in the eastÂern part of the counÂtry. On FebÂruÂary 24, 2022, RusÂsia launched a full-scale milÂiÂtary invaÂsion of Ukraine, plungÂing the entire counÂtry into war and sendÂing shockÂwaves across the world. With casuÂalÂties mountÂing and over one milÂlion UkrainiÂans fleeÂing the counÂtry, the need for diaÂlogue and de-escaÂlaÂtion have nevÂer been highÂer. In this Teach-Out, you will learn from a diverse group of guest experts about the hisÂtoÂry and oriÂgins of war in Ukraine, its immeÂdiÂate and long-term impacts, and what you can do to supÂport peoÂple in this growÂing humanÂiÂtarÂiÂan criÂsis. SpecifÂiÂcalÂly this Teach-Out will address the folÂlowÂing quesÂtions:
- How did we get here? Why did RusÂsia invade Ukraine?
— What hisÂtorÂiÂcal and culÂturÂal conÂtexts do we need to know about in order to underÂstand this conÂflict?
— How is cyber and inforÂmaÂtion warÂfare impactÂing the conÂflict in Ukraine?
— What can be done to stop this war?
— How can we supÂport UkrainÂian refugees and disÂplaced peoÂples?”
Sign up for the course here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂtiesPutin’s War on Ukraine Explained in 8 MinÂutes
Why RusÂsia InvadÂed Ukraine: A UseÂful Primer
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