BroÂken Record–the podÂcast hostÂed by Rick Rubin, MalÂcolm GladÂwell, and Bruce Headlam–has released its latÂest episode feaÂturÂing an in-depth interÂview with PatÂti Smith. Here, GladÂwell talks with Smith “about her writÂing in the stuÂdio Jimi HenÂdrix built, ElecÂtric Lady,” where “she met HenÂdrix in 1970—just weeks before he passed away. PatÂti also talks about hangÂing out with and writÂing lyrics for Janis Joplin, and she recalls the fun she had durÂing a failed attempt to covÂer Adele in conÂcert.” The conÂverÂsaÂtion also natÂuÂralÂly covÂers her time with Robert MapÂplethorÂpe in the Chelsea Hotel (see vinÂtage footage here); her relaÂtionÂship with William BurÂroughs and Allen GinsÂberg; and the chalÂlenges she faced writÂing Just Kids.
Stream the interÂview above, or find their podÂcast on Apple, SpoÂtiÂfy and StitchÂer. Also be sure to check out PatÂti Smith’s daiÂly musÂings on SubÂstack.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
PatÂti Smith and David Lynch Talk About the Source of Their Ideas & CreÂative InspiÂraÂtion
PatÂti Smith’s List of Favorite Books: From RimÂbaud to Susan SonÂtag
PatÂti Smith Sings “PeoÂple Have the PowÂer” with a Choir of 250 FelÂlow Singers
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