Carl Sagan Explains Evolution in an 8‑Minute Animation

Bio­log­i­cal evo­lu­tion: nev­er has a phe­nom­e­non so impor­tant so lent itself to such clear, under­stand­able, ele­gant expla­na­tions. But just as evo­lu­tion itself pro­duces a seem­ing­ly infi­nite vari­ety of life forms, so the human under­stand­ing of evo­lu­tion has pro­duced count­less edu­ca­tion­al and enter­tain­ing kinds of illus­tra­tions by which to explain it. In the video above, astronomer-astro­physi­cist-cos­mol­o­gist Carl Sagan, no stranger to demys­ti­fy­ing the once seem­ing­ly unfath­omable phe­nom­e­na of our uni­verse, shows how evo­lu­tion actu­al­ly works with eight min­utes of crisp ani­ma­tion that take us from mol­e­cules in the pri­mor­dial soup, to bac­te­ria, to plants and polyps, to lam­preys, to tur­tles, to dinosaurs and birds, to wom­bats, to baboons and apes, to us. Then he goes back and does the whole four bil­lion-year evo­lu­tion­ary jour­ney again in forty sec­onds.

This con­cise les­son con­cerns itself not just with how we human beings came about, but how every­thing else came about as well. That wide-angle view of real­i­ty won a great deal of acclaim for Sagan’s Cos­mos: A Per­son­al Voy­age, the 1980 tele­vi­sion series on which the seg­ment orig­i­nal­ly appeared. Though most of its orig­i­nal broad­casts on life, the uni­verse, and every­thing still hold up as well as this clip on evo­lu­tion, a 21st-cen­tu­ry suc­ces­sor has late­ly appeared in the form of Cos­mos: A Space­time Odyssey, host­ed by astro­physi­cist Neil deGrasse Tyson, doubt­less the most suit­ed heir to Sagan’s tra­di­tion of enthu­si­asm and rig­or in pub­lic sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­tion. For a more extend­ed treat­ment of evo­lu­tion, see also our post from ear­li­er this week on deGrasse Tyson’s episode on the sub­ject, in which he spends an entire hour on his equal­ly fas­ci­nat­ing expla­na­tion of what, up to and includ­ing you, he, and I, nat­ur­al selec­tion has so far come up with.

Note: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this post appeared on our site in 2014.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Where Did Human Beings Come From? 7 Mil­lion Years of Human Evo­lu­tion Visu­al­ized in Six Min­utes

Richard Dawkins Explains Why There Was Nev­er a First Human Being

550 Mil­lion Years of Human Evo­lu­tion in an Illus­trat­ed Flip­book

Free Online Biol­o­gy Cours­es

Col­in Mar­shall hosts and pro­duces Note­book on Cities and Cul­ture and writes essays on cities, lan­guage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los Ange­les, A Los Ange­les Primer. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­book.

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  • B.A. Gridd says:

    Carl Sagan’s ‘evo­lu­tion-explain­ing’ car­toon invokes the pow­er of uncon­scious mat­ter (over bil­lions and bil­lions of years) to gen­er­ate unspeak­ably com­plex bio-diver­si­ty.  His fre­quent use of the charm-word “evolved” to describe phas­es of this extreme­ly clever, non-intel­li­gent process sim­ply expos­es his sad com­mit­ment to sci­en­tis­tic Time-Wor­shp.

  • Wayne says:

    A sci­en­tif­ic impos­si­bil­i­ty both math­e­mat­i­cal­ly and bio­log­i­cal­ly, if you leave noth­ing for 5min or 50 Bil­lion years math­e­mat­i­cal­ly it remains NOth­ing only in Sagan’s unsci­en­tif­ic mind is this pos­si­ble but I appre­ci­ate his pas­sion he should have been a preach­er but I guess he was a evo­lu­tion­ary teacher which is faith based not fac­tu­al how­ev­er there is a faith that is not only fac­tu­al but true read the Word of God the Bible it is sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly fac­tu­al­ly his­tor­i­cal­ly accu­rate if in doubt do what I did and the super­nat­ur­al being which is what He is ‚God will reveal him­self to You if you dili­gent­ly seek Him He did it for me he’ll do it for You, saved from the decep­tion and lies of evo­lu­tion. God Bless.

  • Wayne says:

    A sci­en­tif­ic impos­si­bil­i­ty both math­e­mat­i­cal­ly and bio­log­i­cal­ly, if you leave noth­ing for 5min or 50 Bil­lion years math­e­mat­i­cal­ly it remains NOth­ing only in Sagan’s unsci­en­tif­ic mind is this pos­si­ble but I appre­ci­ate his pas­sion he should have been a preach­er but I guess he was a evo­lu­tion­ary teacher which is faith based not fac­tu­al how­ev­er there is a faith that is not only fac­tu­al but true read the Word of God the Bible it is sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly fac­tu­al­ly his­tor­i­cal­ly accu­rate if in doubt do what I did and the super­nat­ur­al being which is what He is ‚God will reveal him­self to You if you dili­gent­ly seek Him He did it for me he’ll do it for You, Jesus not Bud­dha or Muham­mad or the Pope or reli­gion saved me from the decep­tion and lies of evo­lu­tion. God Bless.

  • Martin Larmes says:

    Evo­lu­tion is a fact of life. It is life’s pri­ma­ry engine. Not to acknowl­edge its cen­tral­i­ty to the very def­i­n­i­tion and deploy­ment of life is to dis­miss not only cre­ation as God pre­sum­ably made it but also the very prin­ci­ple that allows liv­ing cre­ations to adapt, and thus to endure: to live. It is to hate life for what life is: con­stant change amidst con­stant changes.

    With­out species adapt­abil­i­ty, there would be no nov­el­ty, no endurance, and no growth.

    p.s. The open­ing com­men­ta­tors are def­i­nite­ly going to heav­en and will no doubt live for­ev­er, hav­ing once and for all through their good pub­lic works (prin­ci­pal­ly their denounc­ing oth­ers’ test­ed obser­va­tions) guar­an­teed that on their pass­ing from the sta­t­ic world of their mod­est Bib­li­cal imag­i­na­tion they will have reached anoth­er world alto­geth­er: one in which change, dying, death, shin­gles, elec­tric bills, tax­es, and Olympic curl­ing match­es are all in the irrev­o­ca­ble past. Good on you, guys. Your work is done. May the sec­ond change­less state you reach prove to match all the hope you have placed in it. I hope at least it’s more reli­ably sta­ble than our expe­ri­ence of life on Earth.

  • Steve says:

    It’s fun­ny to read sup­pos­ed­ly intel­li­gent com­ments from peo­ple who still believe in the invis­i­ble creator/friend in the sky.

  • Peter says:

    Before you can claim a god, you need to demon­strate a god. Then you need to demon­strate it’s your spe­cif­ic use­less god of the bible, ignor­ing mil­lions if hun­gry chil­dren every day and allow­ing his own priests to rape them, in his own house!
    A god inca­pable of deal­ing with our prob­lems in this life, is incom­pe­tent to deal with us in an after­life.
    Next time: Keep your delu­sions ori­vate.

  • Hank says:

    If there is no god then we live in a self-gen­er­at­ed uni­verse. There­fore there is no good or evil. Why then does it mat­ter that chil­dren go hun­gry? Not see­ing any log­ic in that think­ing.

  • Lion says:


  • Alan Brantley says:


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