Zoo Hires Marvin Gaye Impersonator to Help Endangered Monkeys “Get It On”

This past week­end, mon­keys resid­ing at a British zoo got a spe­cial treat. A Mar­vin Gaye imper­son­ator per­formed “Let’s Get It On” and “Sex­u­al Heal­ing,” all in an effort to help the mon­keys, well, “get it on.”

Locat­ed in Stafford, Eng­land, the Tren­tham Mon­key For­est saw the per­for­mance as a nov­el way to get their endan­gered Bar­bary macaques to pro­duce off­spring: Park Direc­tor Matt Lovatt said on the zoo’s web­site: “We thought it could be a cre­ative way to encour­age our females to show a lit­tle affec­tion to males that might not have been so lucky in love.” “Females in sea­son mate with sev­er­al males so pater­ni­ty among our fur­ry res­i­dents is nev­er known. Each birth is vital to the species with Bar­bary macaques being classed as endan­gered. Birthing sea­son occurs in late spring/early sum­mer each year, so hope­ful­ly Marvin’s done his mag­ic and we can wel­come some new babies!”

For any­one keep­ing score, Dave Largie is the singer chan­nel­ing Mar­vin.

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via UPI

Relat­ed Con­tent 

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