Nikola Tesla’s Predictions for the 21st Century: The Rise of Smart Phones & Wireless, The Demise of Coffee & More (1926/35)

The fate of the vision­ary is to be for­ev­er out­side of his or her time. Such was the life of Niko­la Tes­la, who dreamed the future while his oppor­tunis­tic rival Thomas Edi­son seized the moment. Even now the name Tes­la con­jures seem­ing­ly wild­ly imprac­ti­cal ven­tures, too advanced, too expen­sive, or far too ele­gant in design for mass pro­duc­tion and con­sump­tion. No one bet­ter than David Bowie, the pop artist of pos­si­bil­i­ty, could embody Tes­la’s air of mag­is­te­r­i­al high seri­ous­ness on the screen. And few were bet­ter suit­ed than Tes­la him­self, per­haps, to extrap­o­late from his time to ours and see the tech­no­log­i­cal future clear­ly.

Of course, this image of Tes­la as a lone, hero­ic, and even some­what trag­ic fig­ure who fell vic­tim to Edis­on’s designs is a bit of a roman­tic exag­ger­a­tion. As even the edi­tor of a 1935 fea­ture inter­view piece in the now-defunct Lib­er­ty mag­a­zine wrote, Tes­la and Edi­son may have been rivals in the “bat­tle between alter­nat­ing and direct cur­rent…. Oth­er­wise the two men were mere­ly oppo­sites. Edi­son had a genius for prac­ti­cal inven­tions imme­di­ate­ly applic­a­ble. Tes­la, whose inven­tions were far ahead of the time, aroused antag­o­nisms which delayed the fruition of his ideas for years.” One can in some respects see why Tes­la “aroused antag­o­nisms.” He may have been a genius, but he was not a peo­ple per­son, and some of his views, though maybe char­ac­ter­is­tic of the times, are down­right unset­tling.


In the lengthy Lib­er­ty essay, “as told to George Sylvester Viereck” (a poet and Nazi sym­pa­thiz­er who also inter­viewed Hitler), Tes­la him­self makes the pro­nounce­ment, “It seems that I have always been ahead of my time.” He then goes on to enu­mer­ate some of the ways he has been proven right, and con­fi­dent­ly lists the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the future as he sees it. No one likes a know-it-all, but Tes­la refused to com­pro­mise or ingra­ti­ate him­self, though he suf­fered for it pro­fes­sion­al­ly. And he was, in many cas­es, right. Many of his 1935 pre­dic­tions in Lib­er­ty are still too far off to mea­sure, and some of them will seem out­landish, or crim­i­nal, to us today. But some still seem plau­si­ble, and a few advis­able if we are to make it anoth­er 100 years as a species. Tes­la’s pre­dic­tions include the fol­low­ing, which he intro­duces with the dis­claimer that “fore­cast­ing is per­ilous. No man can look very far into the future.”

  • “Bud­dhism and Chris­tian­i­ty… will be the reli­gion of the human race in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry.”
  • “The year 2100 will see eugen­ics uni­ver­sal­ly estab­lished.” Tes­la went on to com­ment, “no one who is not a desir­able par­ent should be per­mit­ted to pro­duce prog­e­ny. A cen­tu­ry from now it will no more occur to a nor­mal per­son to mate with a per­son eugeni­cal­ly unfit than to mar­ry a habit­u­al crim­i­nal.”
  • “Hygiene, phys­i­cal cul­ture will be rec­og­nized branch­es of edu­ca­tion and gov­ern­ment. The Sec­re­tary of Hygiene or Phys­i­cal Cul­ture will be far more impor­tant in the cab­i­net of the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States who holds office in the year 2025 than the Sec­re­tary of War.” Along with per­son­al hygiene, Tes­la includ­ed “pol­lu­tion” as a social ill in need of reg­u­la­tion.
  • “I am con­vinced that with­in a cen­tu­ry cof­fee, tea, and tobac­co will be no longer in vogue. Alco­hol, how­ev­er, will still be used. It is not a stim­u­lant but a ver­i­ta­ble elixir of life.”
  • “There will be enough wheat and wheat prod­ucts to feed the entire world, includ­ing the teem­ing mil­lions of Chi­na and India.” (Tes­la did not fore­see the anti-gluten mania of the 21st cen­tu­ry.)
  • “Long before the next cen­tu­ry dawns, sys­tem­at­ic refor­esta­tion and the sci­en­tif­ic man­age­ment of nat­ur­al resources will have made an end of all dev­as­tat­ing droughts, for­est fires, and floods. The uni­ver­sal uti­liza­tion of water pow­er and its long-dis­tance trans­mis­sion will sup­ply every house­hold with cheap pow­er.” Along with this opti­mistic pre­dic­tion, Tes­la fore­saw that “the strug­gle for exis­tence being less­ened, there should be devel­op­ment along ide­al rather than mate­r­i­al lines.”

Tes­la goes on to pre­dict the elim­i­na­tion of war, “by mak­ing every nation, weak or strong, able to defend itself,” after which war chests would be divert­ed to fund­ing edu­ca­tion and research. He then describes—in rather fan­tas­ti­cal-sound­ing terms—an appa­ra­tus that “projects par­ti­cles” and trans­mits ener­gy, enabling not only a rev­o­lu­tion in defense tech­nol­o­gy, but “undreamed of results in tele­vi­sion.” Tes­la diag­noses his time as one in which “we suf­fer from the derange­ment of our civ­i­liza­tion because we have not yet com­plete­ly adjust­ed our­selves to the machine age.” The solu­tion, he asserts—along with most futur­ists, then and now—“does not lie in destroy­ing but in mas­ter­ing the machine.” As an exam­ple of such mas­tery, Tes­la describes the future of “automa­tons” tak­ing over human labor and the cre­ation of “a think­ing machine.”

Matt Novak at the Smith­son­ian has ana­lyzed many of Tes­la’s claims, inter­pret­ing his pre­dic­tions about “hygiene and phys­i­cal cul­ture” as a fore­shad­ow­ing of the EPA and dis­cussing Tes­la’s work in robot­ics (“Today,” Tes­la pro­claimed, “the robot is an accept­ed fact”). The Lib­er­ty arti­cle was not the first time Tes­la had made large-scale, pub­lic pre­dic­tions about the cen­tu­ry to come and beyond. In 1926, Tes­la gave an inter­view to Col­lier’s mag­a­zine in which he more or less accu­rate­ly fore­saw smart­phones and wire­less tele­pho­ny and com­put­ing:

When wire­less is per­fect­ly applied the whole earth will be con­vert­ed into a huge brain, which in fact it is…. We shall be able to com­mu­ni­cate with one anoth­er instant­ly, irre­spec­tive of dis­tance. Not only this, but through tele­vi­sion and tele­pho­ny we shall see and hear one anoth­er as per­fect­ly as though were face to face, despite inter­ven­ing dis­tances of thou­sands of miles; and the instru­ments through which we shall be able to do this will be amaz­ing­ly sim­ple com­pared with our present tele­phone. A man will be able to car­ry one in his vest pock­et. 

Tel­sa also made some odd pre­dic­tions about fuel-less pas­sen­ger fly­ing machines “free from any lim­i­ta­tions of the present air­planes and diri­gi­bles” and spout­ed more of the scary stuff about eugen­ics that had come to obsess him late in life. Addi­tion­al­ly, Tes­la saw chang­ing gen­der rela­tions as the pre­cur­sor of a com­ing matri­archy. This was not a devel­op­ment he char­ac­ter­ized in pos­i­tive terms. For Tes­la, fem­i­nism would “end in a new sex order, with the female as supe­ri­or.” (As Novak notes, Tes­la’s mis­giv­ings about fem­i­nism have made him a hero to the so-called “men’s rights” move­ment.) While he ful­ly grant­ed that women could and would match and sur­pass men in every field, he warned that “the acqui­si­tion of new fields of endeav­or by women, their grad­ual usurpa­tion of lead­er­ship, will dull and final­ly dis­si­pate fem­i­nine sen­si­bil­i­ties, will choke the mater­nal instinct, so that mar­riage and moth­er­hood may become abhor­rent and human civ­i­liza­tion draw clos­er and clos­er to the per­fect civ­i­liza­tion of the bee.”

It seems to me that a “bee civ­i­liza­tion” would appeal to a eugeni­cist, except, I sup­pose, Tes­la feared becom­ing a drone. Although he saw the devel­op­ment as inevitable, he still sounds to me like any num­ber of cur­rent politi­cians who argue that soci­ety should con­tin­ue to sup­press and dis­crim­i­nate against women for their own good and the good of “civ­i­liza­tion.” Tes­la may be an out­sider hero for geek cul­ture every­where, but his social atti­tudes give me the creeps. While I’ve per­son­al­ly always liked the vision of a world in which robots do most the work and we spend most of our mon­ey on edu­ca­tion, when it comes to the elim­i­na­tion of war, I’m less san­guine about par­ti­cle rays and more sym­pa­thet­ic to the words of Ivor Cut­ler.

Note: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this post appeared on our site in 2015.

via Smith­son­ian/Pale­o­fu­ture

Relat­ed Con­tent:

In 1953, a Tele­phone-Com­pa­ny Exec­u­tive Pre­dicts the Rise of Mod­ern Smart­phones and Video Calls

Jules Verne Accu­rate­ly Pre­dicts What the 20th Cen­tu­ry Will Look Like in His Lost Nov­el, Paris in the Twen­ti­eth Cen­tu­ry (1863)

In 1922, a Nov­el­ist Pre­dicts What the World Will Look Like in 2022: Wire­less Tele­phones, 8‑Hour Flights to Europe & More

In 1900, Ladies’ Home Jour­nal Pub­lish­es 28 Pre­dic­tions for the Year 2000

Philip K. Dick Makes Off-the-Wall Pre­dic­tions for the Future: Mars Colonies, Alien Virus­es & More (1981)

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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Comments (67)
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  • Murray says:

    There is no doubt Tes­la was a genius and many of his pre­dic­tions have come true as described in this arti­cle. Eugen­ics while unpop­u­lar today, because of the hor­rif­ic con­se­quences of Hitler’s mis­guid­ed vision of racial puri­ty, does have tech­ni­cal mer­it from a geneti­cists point of view if used, with appro­pri­ate leg­is­la­tion and con­trol of indis­crim­i­nate use, to ensure it is not applied against a per­son­’s will or result in the death of any­one. This could be done through vol­un­tary genet­ic con­sul­ta­tion for cou­ples plan­ning to have a fam­i­ly. If it was pro­vid­ed to prospec­tive cou­ples at a low cost it could help reduce cas­es of her­i­ta­ble dis­ease such as Hunt­ing­ton’s dis­ease or Parkin­son’s. There are many oth­er ques­tions that sur­round this mat­ter but we should not be afraid to go there using past expe­ri­ences as a guide to avoid the pit­falls.

  • Brody bondhus says:

    It’s not that he was par­tic­u­lar­ly wrong about any­thing. Human­i­ty as a whole is well behind in devel­op­ment and there­fore aren’t able to move ahead to the next step. Either way if you would like a way to make it so that a hur­ri­cane will nev­er reach Amer­i­can soil that much I’m alot­ted. It will also low­er atmos­pher­ic (heat). I only ask that I remain anony­mous and take no cred­it.

  • Justinrodger says:

    So much for ac in a bot­tle just like tes­la s dc to ac con­vert­er

  • Steven lonien says:

    Rel­a­tiv­i­ty of winds and Tides far supe­ri­or pro­duce speeds of light wob­ble then infi­nite­ly more than “EINSTINES“hells of ways to boil water AND MUTATE VIRUSES.

  • Steven lonien says:

    Rel­a­tiv­i­ty of winds and Tides far supe­ri­or pro­duce speeds of light wob­ble then infi­nite­ly more than his own “EINSTINES“hells of ways to boil water AND MUTATE VIRUSES.

  • Aristotle says:

    A vision­ary can pre­dict some­thing in the future, but will sel­dom see it in his life­time. It’s the genius/es
    of the future who will work on those pre­dic­tions into fruition or real­i­ty.

  • Bill says:

    If Tes­la’s wire­less trans­mis­sion of ener­gy had worked, there would not have been elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion. There would have been so much spec­tral noise noth­ing could have com­mu­ni­cat­ed through it. Even audio equip­ment would not have been pos­si­ble. When the Black­ber­ry phone first came out it pro­duced a phe­nom­e­non where it’s mod­u­la­tion tech­nique could pow­er up even switched off audio devices and some of its sig­nal­ing could be heard in adja­cent com­put­er speak­ers and would be picked up by micro­phones. Push­ing tril­lions of watts through the air to pow­er a coun­try would be like liv­ing through a con­tin­u­ous light­ning storm. Every­one would feel the elec­tric­i­ty as they touched met­al just a few feet long.

  • Nigger Collins says:

    Peo­ple argu­ing for eugen­ics are racist.

  • Bob says:

    Total pro­pa­gan­da. Tes­la was a supe­ri­or inven­tor. Killed by the gov­ern­ment because they feared free elec­tric­i­ty for the peo­ple.

  • P Stanley says:

    Let’s not for­get about over pop­u­la­tion and soci­eties secret orga­ni­za­tions want­i­ng to
    “soft kill” humans and oth­er ways
    to around 500,000 mil­lion a con­trol­lable num­ber. How can we advance to the future when so much human con­trol is upon us

  • Oscar Ferreira says:

    Your Tes­la arti­cle was even more “out there” than that Matt Damien com­mer­cial for Bit­coin (Brave).

  • Brad says:

    I like how the author has to virtue-sig­nal along the way. Putting in all that “Tes­la fur­thers misog­y­ny” stuff is just actu­al­ly con­tribut­ing to his pre­dic­tion com­ing true. How can you not see you are tak­ing part in it by group think­ing? Tes­la is cor­rect. A matri­archy will just bring about a world where mater­nal instincts are squashed and peo­ple will lose their com­pas­sion.

  • Dylan says:

    Thank you! Some­one who final­ly gets it. Peo­ple just want to hear bad stuff about one of the great­est beings to ever walk this Earth! He tru­ly was that good, but peo­ple are ridicu­lous­ly stu­pid and pet­ty. He was not racists, he was a sci­en­tist, eugen­ics in the sense of healthy genes, he meant no one would make a stu­pid deci­sion if they had the right infor­ma­tion. And he clear­ly said good things about women, being supe­ri­or! How the hell can a woman say that’s bad, like what the actu­al fuck. And a bee hive is a per­fect civ­i­liza­tion, with the hive mind, where the col­lec­tive self would rule over the ego. Sheesh peo­ple, actu­al­ly read what he wrote and think about it before assum­ing you know what he meant. Edi­son was the real piece of shit. This arti­cle is com­plete pro­pa­gan­da indeed and I am glad some­one sees it. The author is a mis­guid­ed idiot great­ly dis­cred­it­ing an angel that once walked this earth, so duck you author, go reed­u­cate your­self you damn stu­pid fool and stop spread­ing your fool­ish­ness and igno­rance to mil­lions of oth­er idiot read­ers who nev­er went to the source of the infor­ma­tion; no, they were com­pla­cent enough to be told what to think, to be told what is right and wrong, how very Orwellian. Human­i­ty’s pet­ti­ness and igno­rance and spit­ting in the face of those who only ever tried to help, has always been the most repul­sive and dis­gust­ing aspect of life on this Hell­ish plan­et called Earth. How stu­pid can you get!? It’s absolute­ly ridicu­lous, it’s like peo­ple are turned on by trash and lies!

  • James Mcdonough says:


  • Cat says:

    Thanks Dylan for doing all the work of send­ing my thoughts to clowns. The racism lies are start­ing to make me wan­na vom­it. So sick of it. We are not a racist coun­try! We only have sys­temic hatred a d haters. Edi­son stole Tesla’s work! Only for the mon­ey. Tes­la lived to help mankind. Must be some woke golf on here. Thanks broth­er.

  • Gordon Lee says:

    Not only is human­i­ty obliv­i­ous, indif­fer­ent and uncon­cerned about con­trol­ling their destruc­tive impulses,but con­t­a­m­i­nat­ing and pol­lut­ing the resources they depend on to exist repeats a pat­tern found in all fall­en soci­eties.
    Only the high­est ech­e­lon of human genius will deter­mine the fate of human­i­ty or extinc­tion is inevitable.

  • JoAnn Guess says:

    Well said peo­ple are afraid of what the oth­er per­son is doing but not a sin­gle per­son is per­fect in our world. And most of all we are for get­ting that our moth­ers from the past did not have a man­u­al on how to bring chil­dren up. So all this talk on our future is com­ing from a man that was before his time and he was the one that got us to the future of all man and females to the life that we call home a won­der­ful man even after his death he is still out there try­ing to make us a future.

  • Wayne says:

    I agree Edi­son was a real piece of shit,

  • Saxan says:

    When will every­one just admit the his­to­ry of Amer­i­ca and the Inter­net were dug up in a tomb in Egypt and all the spir­it who got to watch it thought they were miss­ing out on some­thing. And , .. …rein­act­ed it.!?

  • Javier H says:


  • Star Temple says:

    True that Blood

  • Dennis Manning says:

    Telia want­ed all to have free elec­tric­i­ty an all Edi­son was about mak­ing mon­ey also Tel­sa was nev­er taught to me am now 86 just think of all the human beings would have made all the more inven­tions to ben­e­fit man kind he would have cer­tain­ly had my sup­port 👍

  • Dennis Manning says:

    Telia want­ed all to have free elec­tric­i­ty an all Edi­son was about mak­ing mon­ey also Tel­sa was nev­er taught to me am now 86 just think of all the human beings would have made all the more inven­tions to ben­e­fit man kind

  • Laurie Carawy says:

    It is so refresh­ing to read the truth, I hope it catch­es on. Thanky­ou for being unafraid to write it in a response where every­one can read it.

  • Calvin says:

    Ya, except Tes­la want­ed to use the Earth­’s crusts to res­onate elec­tric­i­ty through­out the world. I don’t you’re smarter than he was, sor­ry pals.

  • Lee says:

    Your par­en­thet­i­cal remark (“(Tes­la did not fore­see the anti-gluten mania of the 21st cen­tu­ry.)”) is not only mis­guid­ed but also down right igno­rant. There are peo­ple who are intol­er­ant of gluten con­tain­ing foods and once that diag­no­sis is made we do very well as long as we avoid the thing that makes us sick. In the same vein we have to be very care­ful, when we are around peo­ple who think we believe in anti-gluten mania. It hap­pened to me twice and if it hap­pens again I will sue them into bank­rupt­cy.

  • Ditch weed says:

    I just want­ed my man back, when I ßee his face there’s not à thing I would çhange tell him I love him, won’t be the same with out my right wing„ I was wrong also I’m also àt fault sor­ry babe sor­ry to All

  • Tyrone says:

    What if Tel­sa’s the­o­ry of the even­tu­al human bee-like civ­i­liza­tion is actu­al­ly the rise if machines and AI, lead­ing to the cre­ation of The Matrix.

  • Jerry Randall Harris says:

    Well it real­ly does­n’t mat­ter because nei­ther one of them con­sult­ed the undis­put­ed King of every­thing.
    Yes I am an omnipo­tent, time, space and par­al­lel dimen­sion trav­el­er.
    Only God and I can pre­dict the future and reit­er­ate the past.
    God has the advan­tage of being able to do all at once, well I can only tra­verse one at a time. I won a fist fight with Tes­la and I sup­plied Edi­son with some of Tes­la’s schemat­ics. Not for per­son­al prof­it but to accel­er­ate the world of inven­tion.
    I’m sure 90% of you are say­ing, who the hell is this guy com­par­ing him­self to God? Well if you’re ask­ing that ques­tion then you’re not under­stand­ing my state­ments. I do not com­pare myself to God. He is def­i­nite­ly the supe­ri­or but he allows me to per­form god­like events as long as he approves them. I can­not over­ride Gods laws or improve upon any of his cre­ations. The high­est rank I can achieve is to reveal any infor­ma­tion or events I may take part in. Then it is up to him if we choose to put it in play. Occa­sion­al­ly he allows baby Jesus to Walk with me and advise or dis­avow any pro­jec­tions or process­es that may or may not be help­ful in try­ing to get you to get your s*** togeth­er. Just say­ing for a friend, in hand deliv­ered from Olym­pus. Any oppo­si­tion, or devi­a­tion from said events, will be dealt with swift­ly and dis­creet­ly. Sor­ry about your luck.
    Sin­cere­ly, Dammit Alda Hell

  • Denise says:

    I agree. Total pro­pa­gan­da. Tes­la would nev­er have said that Alco­hol was an “elixir of life”. It’s obvi­ous that those who wrote this arti­cle nev­er knew the man.

  • Will K says:

    Tes­la is still ahead of his times. Being con­sumed by emo­tions has lead us to the present where peo­ple base every­thing on emo­tion and per­son­al feel­ings. Rarely is the com­mon good seen. Peo­ple want the world to be how THEY want despite how unnat­ur­al it is.

  • Will K says:

    The arti­cle was good. As long as you dis­re­gard the authors per­son­al opin­ions.

  • Frank Works LLC says:

    The gen­er­al pub­lic, even the (high­ly intel­lec­tu­al) major­i­ty of this thread, still can­not con­ceive the con­cept of ‘uni­ver­sal con­cious­ness’. Most like­ly they pay some­one else for their hair­cuts, enter­tain­ment, cloth­ing, trans­port and cheap gad­gets shipped in a box to their doorstep.

    Work hard, eat one meal in the evening, one glo­ri­ous shit every morn­ing, respect/protect your elders…and when an old­er per­son starts loos­ing their mind, pay close atten­tion and tell them you (and the world) needs them. tell them over and over again. .…smartest man ever?

    *Ed Leed­skalnin

  • Frank Works LLC says:

    The gen­er­al pub­lic, even the (high­ly intel­lec­tu­al) major­i­ty of this thread, still can­not con­ceive the con­cept of ‘uni­ver­sal con­cious­ness’. Most like­ly they pay some­one else for their hair­cuts, enter­tain­ment, cloth­ing, trans­port and cheap gad­gets shipped in a box to their doorstep.

    Work hard, eat one meal in the evening, one glo­ri­ous shit every morn­ing, respect/protect your elders…and when an old­er per­son starts loos­ing their mind, pay close atten­tion and tell them you (and the world) needs them. tell them over and over again. .…smartest man ever?

    *Ed Leed­skalnin

  • Jona Denz-Hamilton says:

    Eugen­ics? As stat­ed, he was not a peo­ple per­son. If he had been, he’d have real­ized that with wom­en’s advance­ments come com­pro­mise and cooperation…not bee-style at all, but very human. Using one’s brain and tal­ent does not dimin­ish mater­nal instincts for the great major­i­ty. It does, how­ev­er, open the door for more pater­nal instincts.

  • GMan says:

    Glad some­one said it, had he not been held down by the mon­ey giant who had Edi­son in their pock­et, who knows where we’d be today.

  • Maaria says:

    That is a mys­tery I would like to know all abouth this men

  • Will Greene says:

    Yes u can send vast amounts of AC elec­tric­i­ty wire­less­ly the prob­lem is if it miss­es the receiv­er, it will blow up or fry what­ev­er it hits, now the alien astro­nauts already made an Ado­nis woman and she fell in love with a human and not one of the Aliens, so the women tak­ing over won’t hap­pen. The Aliens are far old­er than us and far more advanced, they can trav­el from their plan­et to ours and could do so thou­sands of years ago they have a huge amount of knowl­edge that we real­ly need.

  • Mark Johnson says:

    Insight­ful and cor­rect. The prob­lem is we are not ready. Just look at how we treat ani­mals, our envi­ron­ment and each oth­er. We can’t accept each oth­er when we’re all broth­ers how could we accept anoth­er life form, anoth­er civ­i­liza­tion much more advanced than our own. Earth is our Salusa Secun­dus for the fore­see­able future. We do not dom­i­nate our own solar sys­tem or even our own Moon. They rule this sys­tem and most like­ly some oth­ers in our Local Group. 2025 should be an inter­est­ing year I believe. We are so igno­rant yet so sure of our pre­em­i­nence and supe­ri­or­i­ty the truth will be a very hard thing to digest by most people.Tesla said he actu­al­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed with them, I’m not sure about that but he’s the one I’d talk to at that time if I were a vis­i­tor to Earth.

  • Lejackie says:

    Thank you Dylan for stat­ing the obvi­ous. I am so tired of watch­ing human­i­ty being spoon fed lies. We are NOT lem­mings and We will NOT fol­low blind­ly over the clif­f’s edge. Edi­son was not much of an inven­tor, more like a thief who stole oth­er peo­ple’s inven­tions and claimed they were his.

  • Jose says:

    Tes­la was a liv­ing ves­sel one who helped pave a major­i­ty of what it is now.his lost was trag­ic but nev­er In vain just like we destroy our­selves and all our lead­ers he came blessed us and he left.may his lega­cy live for­ev­er and let’s be thank­ful fruits.….….!369

  • Jose says:

    Tes­la was a liv­ing ves­sel one who helped pave a major­i­ty of what it is now.his lost was trag­ic but nev­er In vain just like we destroy our­selves and all our lead­ers he came blessed us and he left.may his lega­cy live for­ev­er and let’s be thank­ful fruits.

  • John says:

    Sounds like a fem­i­nist who want­ed to state her two cents about how Tel­sa is oppres­sive to women.

  • KiloAlani says:

    Any­body that puts down tea and espe­cial­ly cof­fee is a fuck­ing weirdo who should nev­er be tak­en seri­ous­ly. He may have had a few good ideas but Edi­son did us all a big favor rip­ping him off.

  • Jorge S. says:

    The only one I believe is the bible on pre­dic­tions, It’s clear what’s com­ing, Read it and see what’s com­ing includ­ing the one world gov­ern­ment (anti-christ)

  • R w berry jr says:

    Can some­one check on ditch weed to be sure they are ok.

  • Elias Guebre says:

    I like your truth, Man can only exist as long as His cre­ator allows Him, some time Man for­gets the knowl­edge he got come from his Cre­ator, time and space is only here on Earth, the Pow­er of the Almighty GOD have the Key to move from time and space when­ev­er, wher­ev­er, As JESUS appear
    to His Dis­ci­ples in the room while they were talk­ing about him.. When HE Ascend­ed
    to HEAVEN in front of 500 wit­ness…
    So If GOD send future mes­sages to one of
    his Cre­ation (Son) Tel­sa, what are we humans going to say when the True MESSIAH
    KING OF KING, THE ALPHA THE OMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST comes down in cloud from Heav­en!!! Wow what then??

  • James Schmidt says:

    So you’re say­ing that peo­ple that don’t drink cof­fee or tea are all weirdos??? His pre­dic­tion of cof­fee becom­ing obsolete/consumed less is already com­ing true. Many peo­ple are start­ing to real­ize that their dai­ly coffee/caffeine habits are not boost­ing their ener­gy or pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at all, but actu­al­ly the oppo­site. Caf­feine is a drug just like any oth­er, albeit much milder than some­thing like amphet­a­mines, but still a stim­u­lant. “Cof­fee alternatives/replacements” are absolute­ly BOOMING right now, with blends of adap­to­genic and nootrop­ic herbs and mush­rooms in form of pow­ders sim­ply mixed in water being the main ones. Reports of these new alter­na­tives that con­tain a max 20mg caf­feine are show­ing much more pro­nounced and longer last­ing effects regard­ing ener­gy, focus, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, cog­ni­tive per­for­mance, among oth­er ben­e­fits, with­out the after­noon crash or need to con­sume more through­out the day, in addi­tion to nervousness/jitters and oth­er neg­a­tive effects of caf­feine, which are all well known down­sides of those who habit­u­al­ly drink coffee/tea. It start­ed with “Four Sig­mat­ic” which is cof­fee con­tain­ing adap­to­genic mush­rooms like lions mane and cordy­ceps. Then came “Mud­Wa­ter” which is sim­i­lar, with no cof­fee and just 17mg caf­feine per serv­ing. And now, I see an ad for new brands of such drinks every day on social media. With most say­ing the switch to these drinks has giv­en them much greater ben­e­fits vs cof­fee, with­out the devel­op­ment of tol­er­ance seen with caf­feine and with­draw­al symp­toms asso­ci­at­ed with sud­den ces­sa­tion of dai­ly use/dependence. So who is the real weirdo, mil­lions of oth­ers, or just your­self? Com­mon sense would say it’s you, while mil­lions of oth­ers are wel­com­ing this trend. Maybe cut back on your dai­ly caf­feine intake, your com­ment is clas­sic addict behav­ior, denial of neg­a­tive effects of drug they use (caf­feine) and defend­ing its alleged “ben­e­fits”. And then you’ll real­ize how depen­dent you are on it, enjoy the crip­pling migraines pal!

  • James Schmidt says:

    I think we are still a ways away from then, but also very close. In the mid­dle of book of Rev­e­la­tions at the cur­rent time it seems. But mankind isn’t ready for that to hap­pen yet, I believe it will come very soon though as the inevitable down­fall of the human race can already be observed in many dif­fer­ent areas. We have the tech to advance in unbe­liev­able ways, but still won’t apply them because it would mean the end of the machine that fills the bank accounts of those who rule over us. How is it that some­thing like Cannabis is still Class 1 drug in the US, how­ev­er Metham­phet­a­mine, or most com­mon­ly reg­u­lar amphet­a­mine, is Class 2, and giv­en to kids as young as 4–5 years for its “med­ical use”, and the rea­son is that Cannabis sup­pos­ed­ly has “no known med­ical uses” even though we know this is gross­ly false. And yes, I said METH. Des­oxyn is the brand name for the pre­scrip­tion tablets con­tain­ing 5mg of metham­phet­a­mine used to treat main­ly nar­colep­sy, but still occa­sion­al­ly giv­en for ADD/ADHD and even treat­ment resis­tant depres­sion. Not even knock­ing meth, as crazy as that sounds, 1 week of ther­a­peu­tic dos­ing actu­al­ly saved my life and pulled me out of a long peri­od of extreme depres­sion, anx­i­ety, and decade of sub­stance abuse dis­or­der. Just that week helped me get out of bed and sort my life out, which addressed the under­ly­ing caus­es of my depression/drug abuse, with no desire to use the drug ever again or any addic­tion. All things can be use­ful, but too much of any good thing can be bad. Also peo­ple are usu­al­ly using street meth which is con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed. From the phar­ma­cy, it is almost a dif­fer­ent effect entire­ly. But Cannabis that has also saved lives does­n’t have med­ical use, and that’s because the FDA is unable to patent Cannabis since it is a plant, the active com­pound THC would have to be extract­ed and for­mu­lat­ed into a pill with stan­dard­ized dos­es (which was done long ago, and is an FDA approved drug called Mari­nol, which is THC in a pill) but has side effects nev­er seen in use of reg­u­lar Cannabis. But still has no med­ical use, even though Mari­nol is FDA approved for med­ical use. Same as an opi­um pop­py can’t be patent­ed, so the mor­phine is extract­ed and used to make Oxy­Con­tin, which made the com­pa­ny bil­lions upon bil­lions of dol­lars to date. All while say­ing it was­n’t addic­tive when it first came out. They knew. But the greed that exists in humans push­es them to neglect all the neg­a­tive fall­out it has on pop­u­la­tion, just to become wealth­i­er, while lit­tle kids starve every day all around the world. Hence “mon­ey is the root of all evil” even though it isn’t the mon­ey itself, but the sin of greed that is evil. End times are soon, God will cleanse the earth of the humans that are the “can­cer” of soci­ety, spread­ing rapid­ly, pol­lut­ing our only home, and the earth does­n’t need humans, but humans sure do need the earth. Yet we will spend bil­lions to try and col­o­nize Mars instead of using it to save the plan­et that already pro­vides us with every­thing we could ever need. God gave us this gift, we blew it, and he will inter­vene before the final “blow” is dealt to this plan­et. Just like the flood and Noah’s ship, those who know and accept God in their heart will ascend with the Mes­si­ah as we move into the next age and evolve into 4th and 5th dimen­sion­al beings, such as Christ. While all those who denied him will be left behind to expe­ri­ence the hell on Earth that they cre­at­ed with their own hands. All pow­er to the high­est.

  • James Schmidt says:

    Also as you said, one world gov­ern­ment, cur­ren­cy, etc. Are already well in the works. Bible says mark of the beast will be on the right thumb or cen­ter of fore­head, and with­out it you will not be able to buy, trade, or any­thing else. And here we have RFID chips now being implant­ed into peo­ple’s right thumb or for­head (only options you can choose) that will con­tain all info like social secu­ri­ty num­ber, crim­i­nal records, cur­ren­cy, and even the media stat­ing even­tu­al­ly if you do not receive this implant, then you will not even be able to buy food from the store, get a plane tick­et, trav­el, rent a hotel room, just about any­thing and every­thing you could imag­ine. As nat­ur­al dis­as­ters wreak hav­oc all over the globe and are ever increas­ing. Hmm, sounds famil­iar.… almost like it was writ­ten out word for word over 2000 years ago in a book called the Holy Bible in the chap­ter of Rev­e­la­tions.… think it is coin­ci­dence all you’d like, but the igno­rant will always choose to ignore and be blind to the truth that lay right before their very eyes. And to think, we fight war over reli­gions, that are all ulti­mate­ly wor­ship­ping the same God and cre­ator. Jesus and the Bud­dha were the same, prophets sent from God to teach us the same thing, only like words in dif­fer­ent lan­guages sound vast­ly dif­fer­ent but mean the same exact thing. Jesus and Bud­dha were just on Earth at dif­fer­ent times. Only dif­fer­ence being Christ ulti­mate­ly was the only one sac­ri­ficed for the sin of man to be for­giv­en. Dif­fer­ent lan­guages, same mes­sage. God is the All, the One, the almighty. He is form­less, only mind, yet can take on any form. And from just mind, and thought/idea alone, he cre­at­ed this entire uni­verse. Exact­ly why it’s said we were cre­at­ed in his image, humans are the only crea­tures with the abil­i­ty and thought/imagination to cre­ate any­thing we wish, just as in the image of God. Spare the lim­i­ta­tions we have as humans, as we are in his image, not God’s our­selves. But that is exact­ly why it is said God is with­in all of us, that pow­er to cre­ate lies with­in each of us. God bless us all, the future is very scary, or very bright, depend­ing on what we chose to do with it.

  • Saduziday Duque says:

    Total­ly agree with you when there is ambi­tion of pow­er mon­ey and more to con­trol becomes an obses­sion and we humans are the weak­est tar­get an easy one if they con­trol us even more when we are just poor low class workers.God is seing us he wont leave us the change is

  • Outside says:

    Regard­less if you all fight back and forth ….


    Oh ok 😂

  • VS says:

    Eth­i­cal­ly it has noth­ing to do with racism. Its whole pur­pose is elim­i­nat­ing hor­ri­ble genet­ic dis­eases like can­cer, Parkin­son’s, ALS, etc. NOBODY should ever have to live with these heart­break­ing, debil­i­tat­ing, fatal dis­eases or see a loved one suf­fer like that. It’s the human way of the future. How­ev­er, any­thing in this world can be used for evil, so there must be reg­u­la­tions on such things.

  • Jack Devin says:

    I think you’re the effin moron, weirdo… Who are you to demo­nize Tes­la, a genius far beyond his time who gave us alter­na­tive cur­rent that made pos­si­ble what we have and enjoyed today ? Shame on you !

  • L Garou says:

    Tel­sa also made some odd pre­dic­tions about fuel-less pas­sen­ger fly­ing machines “free from any lim­i­ta­tions of the present air­planes and diri­gi­bles”

    Yeah, the TR-3B, etc. are kind of odd aren’t they..

  • Janette says:

    Tes­la was a great man and will always be known as a great man until the end off time here on earth. He was a great sci­en­tist and an awe­some inven­tor that was think­ing of oth­ers not the greedy for mon­ey. Hog­wash to the writer whom is talk­ing trash on him. After read­ing every­one’s com­ments, I agree with many of your com­ments Great arti­cle. I am so glad that many of you com­ment­ed on the true facts about Madi­son thiev­ing Tes­la’s inven­tion ideas, the 85 yr old man that said if he would have been taught about Tes­la he would have fol­low him. The elite was very active then pre­vent­ing peo­ple like Tes­la from achiev­ing his goal. He was kept hid­den from being known by the pub­lic because he was think­ing of pro­duc­ing free elec­tric­i­ty for every­one. Its wish­ful think­ing sir. I would have fol­lowed him myself (the elite has been stuff­ing the gov­ern­ments pock­ets way before your birth and still to this day and they will con­tin­ue to elim­i­nate and pay off any­one that gets in their way. Their greed for mon­ey and pow­er will end when they are all cast­ed down into the pit of fire. The new world order is a joke it has failed so many times and will con­tin­ue to fail because the only one that Rules here on earth is the almighty GOD. The own­ers of the tv news media,the news­pa­pers, and the inter­net are the elite so don’t believe any­thing they report. It is all twist­ed to deceive you all.. Stick to read­ing the bible because that is where you will find the entire truth about every­thing you need to know to be saved and to deal with the wicked until the GOOD LORD returns. Fol­low the com­mand­ments and what God as to says and not the dirt of the haters and unbe­liev­ers . Like Ein­stein said (the more I study sci­ence the more I believe there is a GOD) Read the Bible and you will feel the same.

    Bless you all and don’t feed off of these arti­cles because they make you start name call­ing and become a hater.
    That is what they are writ­ten for to see what kind of war they can cre­ate. Keep in mind evil exsists in many forms.
    It is great to know that there are more intel­li­gent and God lov­ing peo­ple in this arti­cle than there are ugly ones and haters. Tho there is no need to get vul­gar and start name call­ing to put peo­ple in their place.

  • Gene says:

    When the peo­ple start lead­ing the lead­ers will start fol­low­ing. Niko­la Tes­la was one of the peo­ple we need more like him, he loved all and he want­ed to serve all that was his goal. He had a pigeon that he loved dear­ly one day it was sick he stayed home until it passed away. We all pass away from this point, what were the lessons we learned while we were here, to love one anoth­er. We’ll all fig­ure it out how to do that even­tu­al­ly.……

  • 🧬 says:

    When the peo­ple start lead­ing the lead­ers will start fol­low­ing. Niko­la Tes­la was one of the peo­ple we need more like him, he loved all and he want­ed to serve all that was his goal. He had a pigeon that he loved dear­ly one day it was sick he stayed home until it passed away. We all pass away from this point, what were the lessons we learned while we were here, to love one anoth­er. We’ll all fig­ure it out how to do that even­tu­al­ly.……

  • Edward Johnson says:

    One thing I do know if you real­ly want to make.God one who sits high in the cen­ter of the earth Laugh..tell him what you have plain.see from the begin­ning yes God gave man knowl­edge. Yes only too devel­op­ment cul­ture of humanity.whts in impor­tant here is. Only Uni­ver­sal God him self Knows the Begin­ning also incom­ing of the just giv­ing facts here also His truth…

  • Damon Clarambeau says:


  • Damon Clarambeau says:

    There have been a few peo­ple and I mean far and few between since human­i­ty that have been rev­o­lu­tion­ary, 99.1% of peo­ple either do not have the abil­i­ty to think on there own, choose not to for what ever there rea­sons are or do not have the abil­i­ty… When these rare gifts come along for human­i­ty, human­i­ty is ofter not intel­li­gent enough to allow these indi­vid­u­als to take charge… I am not sure about Tes­la’s wire­less the­o­ry cause I have not stud­ied it one bit, and to imag­ine what the prob­a­blem was would be to almost make a pre­dic­tion… If you relize you did or do not live in Tes­la’s realm and the is basi­cal­ly the same as Tes­la pre­dict­ing what our time would look like, espe­cial­ly when you count in the unknown of how often his­to­ry repeats itself…

  • Robert White says:


    So…everyone of the Jew­ish faith are racists?? Hasidics the most extreme???
    Because it’s inar­guably true that Judaism has been prac­tic­ing eugen­ics for oh, anout 3,000 or so years mow (since around the incep­tion of the reli­gion) through its near absolute require­ment that all mar­riages must be intrafaith cou­ples only (both part­ners must be Jew­ish)?
    Geez, I don’t think they’re gonna take hear­ing that very well…but you said it, not me.

    Huh. “Reli­gious Eugen­ics.” I guess that’s not only per­mit­ted, but actu­al­ly pro­tect­ed under the Con­sti­tu­tion.

    So “eugen­ics” are bad, but “eugen­ics being one of the most fun­da­men­tal under­pin­nings of Judaism” are per­fect­ly fine.

    I’m sens­ing an air of hypocrisy here, though…

  • To many species for chance says:

    Ditch Elone please me me on scale lack­ing tides and wind. got plu­to­ni­um illu­sions ges­ture

  • Eva Pedersen says:

    Yes, Niko­la Tes­la was an excen­tric vision­ary who fell hope­less­ly in love with … a pigeon. An inter­est­ing indi­vid­ual, I’d say. Who needs medi­oc­rity?

  • Daniel Jenkins says:

    Pass it too the peo­ple, Tes­la was put here for a rea­son and his words are gold. They knew and they killed him. Keep up his words and believe,don’t let his words and wis­domt die ‚peo­ple need too know and believe.

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