This Is What It Sounds Like When a Harpist Plays “Amazing Grace” and a String Suddenly Breaks

Lisa War­ren was peace­ful­ly play­ing “Amaz­ing Grace” on her harp, when sud­den­ly the c string broke and–as she says–“scared the day­lights out of me.” Harp play­ing, it’s not for the faint of heart…

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Relat­ed Con­tent

A Harp Played with a Heavy Dis­tor­tion Ped­al

Pink Floyd Songs Played Splen­did­ly on a Harp Gui­tar: “Com­fort­ably Numb,” “Wish You Were Here” & More

Visu­al­iz­ing Bach: Alexan­der Chen’s Impos­si­ble Harp

Hear the First Song Record­ed on the Yazh, a 2,000 Year-Old Indi­an Instru­ment

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  • Lisa Warren says:

    Well this is super cool😁🥰. This is my video lol.

  • tom baker says:

    I play at the Rea­gan Library on week­ends for the Hap­py Hour On the Hill… the oth­er evening… a G3 string broke on my 36-string Celtic hand-made harp… while not as dra­mat­ic as the sto­ry above… I had a spare… changed it… and retuned it after every piece… we harpists make it work, don’t we?

    Tom Bak­er

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.