Alberto Giacometti: A Documentary Look at the Life & Work of the Great Modernist Artist

Actor Stan­ley Tuc­ci has had a long­stand­ing inter­est in the great mod­ernist artist Alber­to Gia­comet­ti, so much so that he cre­at­ed a film about Gia­comet­ti called Final Project (2018). In this doc­u­men­tary, the Tuc­ci “reveals why Gia­comet­ti was one of the most relent­less­ly hon­est and enquir­ing artis­tic minds to have ever lived — a man riv­en by doubt in his own abil­i­ties, yet com­pelled to keep pro­duc­ing sculp­tures and paint­ings that are now hailed as some of the great­est of the 20th cen­tu­ry.” You can watch it above.  You can also view 1,000+ works (sculp­tures, paint­ings, draw­ings and dec­o­ra­tive art objects) by Gia­comet­ti in this online data­base.

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An Inti­mate Look at Alber­to Gia­comet­ti in His Stu­dio, Mak­ing His Icon­ic Sculp­tures (1965)

Watch as Alber­to Gia­comet­ti Paints and Pur­sues the Elu­sive “Appari­tion” (1965)


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.