What is the OmiÂcron VariÂant? How do vacÂcines work? And what about monÂoÂclonÂal antiÂbody therÂaÂpy? On this episode of StarTalk, Neil deGrasse Tyson has a wide-rangÂing and quite inforÂmaÂtive conÂverÂsaÂtion with George YanÂcopouÂlos, presÂiÂdent of RegenÂeron, the comÂpaÂny that creÂatÂed the monÂoÂclonÂal antiÂbody therÂaÂpy now being used in the fight against COVID-19. And there’s an interÂestÂing side note: DurÂing the 1970s, Tyson and YanÂcopouÂlos were high school classÂmates togethÂer at Bronx SciÂence. They’ve both come a long way, and now they re-unite to explain the sciÂence behind the latÂest phase of the panÂdemÂic.
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MIT Presents a Free Course on the COVID-19 PanÂdemÂic
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