An Origami Samurai Made from a Single Sheet of Rice Paper, Without Any Cutting

Origa­mi artist Juho Könkkölä spent 50 hours fold­ing an origa­mi samu­rai from a sin­gle square sheet of paper, with no cut­ting or rip­ping used in the process. He describes his process on Red­dit:

Fold­ed from a sin­gle square sheet of 95cm x 95cm Wen­zhou rice paper with­out any cut­ting. The fin­ished size of the work is 28cm x 16cm x 19cm. Only dry and wet fold­ing tech­niques were used to fold the mod­el. It took 2 months to design and 1 month to fold, although I was work­ing on few oth­er projects dur­ing that time too.

It took some effort and exper­i­men­ta­tion to fold the tex­ture for the armor, while try­ing to sim­pli­fy it to be some­what man­age­able to fold. I fold­ed 4 rough test attempts in total, and all of them took 3 days to fold each. There are sev­er­al hun­dreds of steps to fold it from the square and there are prob­a­bly thou­sands of indi­vid­ual folds. The asym­me­try in the design allowed me to include sword on only one arm, while being able to make the char­ac­ter look sym­met­ric.

Find the fin­ished prod­uct below. Watch the cre­ative process, from start to fin­ish, above.

via Twist­ed Sifter

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