Bill Gates Lets College Students Download a Free Digital Copy of His Book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

FYI: Ear­li­er this year, Bill Gates pub­lished the New York Times best­seller, How to Avoid a Cli­mate Dis­as­ter: The Solu­tions We Have and the Break­throughs We Need. In the book, Gates explains why we need to work toward net-zero emis­sions of green­house gas­es, and how we can achieve this goal.  Giv­en that this respon­si­bil­i­ty will even­tu­al­ly fall to a younger gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers, Gates has decid­ed to make a dig­i­tal copy of his book avail­able to every col­lege and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent in the world.

The book can be down­loaded an .epub file which can be opened in a com­pat­i­ble e‑reader appli­ca­tion on many devices. An email address, along with a name of college/university, is required. Find the book here.

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Bill Gates Describes His Biggest Fear: “I Rate the Chance of a Wide­spread Epi­dem­ic Far Worse Than Ebo­la at Well Over 50 Per­cent” (2015)

Take Big His­to­ry: A Free Short Course on 13.8 Bil­lion Years of His­to­ry, Fund­ed by Bill Gates

Bill Gates Rec­om­mends 5 Thought-Pro­vok­ing Books to Read This Sum­mer

How Bill Gates Reads Books

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  • Jonathan says:

    What does Bill Gates have to say about the com­ing cli­mate cri­sis pre­dict­ed on the cov­er of Time mag­a­zine in the 70’s which pre­dict­ed the “Com­ing Ice Age”? Or acid rain, or the rain­forests, or the East Anglia scan­dal, or any of the oth­er hoax­es the media and the “sci­en­tif­ic” com­mu­ni­ty has brought to bear to scare peo­ple to death? Mak­ing pre­dic­tions of what’s gonna hap­pen 10–20 years from now is all prof­it, no loss. Nobody will remem­ber them by then, and you can sound like a genius now. Oh by the way, I imag­ine Gates will be sell­ing his home (one of the largest in the world) to reduce his car­bon foot­print, right? Thought so.

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