You’ve had the thought experÂiÂment in your head. What would hapÂpen if you run a harp through a heavy disÂtorÂtion pedÂal? Now you can see how it all plays out. EmiÂly HopÂkins has been playÂing the harp for over 20 years and has recentÂly takÂen to experÂiÂmentÂing with harp disÂtorÂtion. Above, you can watch her experÂiÂment with the Nepenthes by ElecÂtroÂfoods, the heavÂiÂest disÂtorÂtion pedÂal she could find. OthÂer pedÂal disÂtorÂtion experÂiÂments can be found here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
VisuÂalÂizÂing Bach: AlexanÂder Chen’s ImposÂsiÂble Harp
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