Image by ChristoÂpher Michel, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
I am a big admirÂer of Kevin KelÂly for the same reaÂson I am of BriÂan Eno—he is conÂstantÂly thinkÂing. That thirst for knowlÂedge and endÂless curiosÂiÂty has always been the backÂbone to their parÂticÂuÂlar art forms. For Eno it’s music, but for KelÂly it’s in his ediÂtorÂship of the Whole Earth Review and then Wired magÂaÂzine, proÂvidÂing a space for big ideas to reach the widest audiÂence. (He’s also the reaÂson one of my buckÂet lists is the Nakasendo, after seeÂing his phoÂto essay on it.)
On his 68th birthÂday in 2020, KelÂly postÂed on his blog a list of 68 “UnsoÂlicitÂed Bits of Advice.” One bit of advice that frames his thought process and his work is this one:
“I’m posÂiÂtive that in 100 years much of what I take to be true today will be proved to be wrong, maybe even embarÂrassÂingÂly wrong, and I try realÂly hard to idenÂtiÂfy what it is that I am wrong about today.”
HowÂevÂer, the list is more about wisÂdom from a life well-spent. Many fall into the art of being a curiÂous human among othÂer humans:
- EveryÂone is shy. OthÂer peoÂple are waitÂing for you to introÂduce yourÂself to them, they are waitÂing for you to send them an email, they are waitÂing for you to ask them on a date. Go ahead.
- The more you are interÂestÂed in othÂers, the more interÂestÂing they find you. To be interÂestÂing, be interÂestÂed.
- Being able to lisÂten well is a superÂpowÂer. While lisÂtenÂing to someÂone you love keep askÂing them “Is there more?”, until there is no more.
And this is probÂaÂbly the hardÂest piece of advice these days:
- Learn how to learn from those you disÂagree with, or even offend you. See if you can find the truth in what they believe.
OthÂer bits of advice have to do with creÂativÂiÂty and being an artist:
- Always demand a deadÂline. A deadÂline weeds out the extraÂneÂous and the ordiÂnary. It preÂvents you from tryÂing to make it perÂfect, so you have to make it difÂferÂent. DifÂferÂent is betÂter.
- Don’t be the smartest perÂson in the room. HangÂout with, and learn from, peoÂple smarter than yourÂself. Even betÂter, find smart peoÂple who will disÂagree with you.
- To make someÂthing good, just do it. To make someÂthing great, just re-do it, re-do it, re-do it. The secret to makÂing fine things is in remakÂing them.
- Art is in what you leave out.
And some of the more interÂestÂing ones are his disÂagreeÂments with perÂceived wisÂdom:
- FolÂlowÂing your bliss is a recipe for paralÂyÂsis if you don’t know what you are pasÂsionÂate about. A betÂter motÂto for most youth is “masÂter someÂthing, anyÂthing”. Through masÂtery of one thing, you can drift towards extenÂsions of that masÂtery that bring you more joy, and evenÂtuÂalÂly disÂcovÂer where your bliss is.
One year latÂer, KelÂly has returned with 99 more bits of advice. I guess he couldn’t wait til his 99th birthÂday for it. Some favorites include:
- If someÂthing fails where you thought it would fail, that is not a failÂure.
- Being wise means havÂing more quesÂtions than answers.
- I have nevÂer met a perÂson I admired who did not read more books than I did.
- Every perÂson you meet knows an amazÂing lot about someÂthing you know virÂtuÂalÂly nothÂing about. Your job is to disÂcovÂer what it is, and it won’t be obviÂous.
and finalÂly:
- Don’t let your email inbox become your to-do list.
There is a small shift in Kelly’s 2021 list from his 2020 list, like a litÂtle more frusÂtraÂtion with the world, a need for more order in the chaos. I wonÂder what his advice will be in a few more years?
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Best MagÂaÂzine ArtiÂcles Ever, CuratÂed by Kevin KelÂly
Ted Mills is a freeÂlance writer on the arts who curÂrentÂly hosts the Notes from the Shed podÂcast and is the proÂducÂer of KCRÂW’s CuriÂous Coast. You can also folÂlow him on TwitÂter at @tedmills, and/or watch his films here.
99 + 68 = ??