You’re cerÂtainÂly familÂiar with NouÂvelle Vague, the “French new wave” that shook up world cinÂeÂma in the mid-2oth cenÂtuÂry. You’ve probÂaÂbly also heard of HalÂlyu, the “KoreÂan wave” of pop music and teleÂviÂsion draÂmas (and, increasÂingÂly, films) now crashÂing across not just Asia but the West. As for Deutsche Welle, litÂerÂalÂly the “GerÂman wave,” you may know the term betÂter in its abbreÂviÂatÂed form: DW, the brand of GerÂmany’s pubÂlic interÂnaÂtionÂal broadÂcastÂer. Here on Open CulÂture we’ve preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured DW’s series Bauhaus World, a celÂeÂbraÂtion of that influÂenÂtial GerÂman school of art, archiÂtecÂture, and design, but it’s just one of 415 docÂuÂmenÂtaries free to watch on the DW DocÂuÂmenÂtary Youtube chanÂnel.
DW’s docÂuÂmenÂtarÂiÂans have a thorÂoughÂly interÂnaÂtionÂal manÂdate, as eviÂdenced by their popÂuÂlar examÂiÂnaÂtions of the dicÂtaÂtoÂrÂiÂal regime of North Korea, BulÂgarÂiÂa’s Roma marÂriage marÂket, extravÂaÂgant wealth in cenÂtral Africa, and dire poverÂty in the UnitÂed States. You can also browse the archive through themed playlists rangÂing from polÂiÂtics and ecoÂnomÂics to human nature and sociÂety to culÂture and arts.
That last secÂtion, no doubt of parÂticÂuÂlar interÂest to Open CulÂture readÂers, demonÂstrates DW’s advanÂtage as a long-standÂing broadÂcastÂer sitÂuÂatÂed in the heart of Europe. Where betÂter to start learnÂing about GothÂic and Romanesque catheÂdrals, top elecÂtronÂic dance music DJs, MarÂtin Luther and the RefÂorÂmaÂtion, or the truth behind the Last SupÂper and the Mona Lisa?
Even more interÂest lies in DW’s exploÂrations of lessÂer-known topÂics like the treaÂsures of TurkÂmenistan, fakÂery in the art world, and Berlin’s LitÂtle Hanoi. There are also proÂfiles of such GerÂman figÂures as Peter LindÂbergh, the late fashÂion and adverÂtisÂing phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer countÂed as an inspiÂraÂtion by the likes of Wim WenÂders, and Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, outÂgoÂing presÂiÂdent of the Goethe-InstiÂtut, a natÂurÂal subÂject for DW to covÂer. FoundÂed withÂin a couÂple of years of one anothÂer, both DW and the Goethe-InstiÂtut take the proÂmoÂtion of GerÂman culÂture abroad as a large part of their misÂsion — and both do so in the knowlÂedge that, to get othÂer sociÂeties interÂestÂed in your culÂture, you’ve got to show genÂuine interÂest in all of theirs as well. Explore the comÂplete list of DW docÂuÂmenÂtaries here. And find more docÂuÂmenÂtaries online in our colÂlecÂtion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch 3,000+ Films Free Online from the NationÂal Film Board of CanaÂda
285 Free DocÂuÂmenÂtaries Online
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
This is great! What an amazÂing find!
watch +400 docÂuÂmenÂtaries, cool but for that one page is not enough, because either im dumb or is the webÂsite or the develÂopÂer