An online design museÂum made by and for designÂers? The conÂcept seems obviÂous, but has takÂen decades in interÂnet years for the realÂiÂty to fulÂly emerge in the LetÂterÂform Archive. Now that it has, we can see why. Good design may look simÂple, but no one should be fooled into thinkÂing it’s easy. “After years of develÂopÂment and months of feedÂback,” write the creÂators of the LetÂterÂform Archive online design museÂum, “we’re openÂing up the Online Archive to everyÂone. This project is a labor of love from everyÂone on our staff, and many genÂerÂous volÂunÂteers, and we hope it proÂvides a source of beauÂtiÂful disÂtracÂtion and inspiÂraÂtion to all who love letÂters.”
That’s letÂters as in fonts, not episÂtles, and there are thouÂsands of them in the archive. But there are also thouÂsands of phoÂtographs, lithÂoÂgraphs, silkscreens, etc. repÂreÂsentÂing the height of modÂern simÂplicÂiÂty. This and othÂer uniÂfyÂing threads run through the colÂlecÂtion of the LetÂterÂform Archive, which offers “unpreceÂdentÂed access… with nearÂly 1,500 objects and 9,000 hi-fi images.”
You’ll find in the Archive the sleek eleÂgance of 1960s OlivetÂti catÂaÂlogs, the iconÂic milÂiÂtanÂcy of Emory DouÂglas’ designs for The Black PanÂther newsÂpaÂper, and the eeriÂly stark milÂiÂtanÂcy of the “SILENCE=DEATH” t‑shirt from the 1980s AIDS criÂsis.
The site was built around the ideÂal of “radÂiÂcal accesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty,” with the aim of capÂturÂing “a sense of what it’s like to visÂit the Archive” (which lives perÂmaÂnentÂly in San FranÂcisÂco). But the focus is not on the casuÂal onlookÂer — LetÂterÂform Archive online caters specifÂiÂcalÂly to graphÂic designÂers, which makes its interÂface even simÂpler, more eleÂgant, and easÂiÂer to use for everyÂone, coinÂciÂdenÂtalÂly (or not).
The graphÂic design focus also means there are funcÂtions speÂcifÂic to the disÂciÂpline that designÂers won’t find in othÂer online image libraries: “we encourÂage you to use the search filÂters: click on each catÂeÂgoÂry to explore disÂciÂplines like letÂterÂing, and forÂmats like type specÂiÂmens, or comÂbine filÂters like decades and counÂtries to narÂrow your view to a speÂcifÂic time and place.”
From the radÂiÂcal typogÂraÂphy of Dada to the radÂiÂcal 60s zine scene to the sleek designs (and Neins) found in a 1987 Apple Logo StanÂdards pamÂphlet, the museÂum has someÂthing for everyÂone interÂestÂed in recent graphÂic design hisÂtoÂry and typolÂoÂgy. But it’s not all sleek simÂplicÂiÂty. There are also rare artiÂfacts of elabÂoÂrateÂly intriÂcate design, like the PerÂsian Yusef and Zulaikha manÂuÂscript, below, datÂing from between 1880 and 1910. You’ll find dozens more such treaÂsures in the LetÂterÂform Archive here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
Great post! Thanks for sharÂing this useÂful inforÂmaÂtion.