Some YouTuÂber postÂed online a pretÂty nice clip of an espresÂso shot being pulled from a La MarÂzocÂco FB80 espresÂso machine at 120 frames per secÂond. They recÂomÂmend mutÂing the sound, then putting on your own music. I gave it a quick shot with the famous soundÂtrack for KubrickÂ’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. And I’ll be damned, it syncs up pretÂty well. Have a betÂter soundÂtrack to recÂomÂmend? Feel free to let us know in the comÂments secÂtion below.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
CofÂfee EntreÂpreÂneur RenaÂto BialetÂti Gets Buried in the EspresÂso MakÂer He Made Famous
PhilosoÂphers DrinkÂing CofÂfee: The ExcesÂsive Habits of Kant, Voltaire & Kierkegaard
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I dunÂno about “betÂter,” but the first 1:52 of the 12-inch remix of Kate Bush’s RunÂning Up That Hill works well.