Peanuts Plays Yes’ “Roundabout”

Dig­i­tal film­mak­er Gar­ren Lazar gives us a cre­ative par­o­dy video and a bad­ly-need­ed men­tal health break. Enjoy.

To watch pre­vi­ous Peanuts par­o­dies of songs by Queen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jour­ney & more, click here.

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via Laugh­ingSquid

Relat­ed Con­tent

Umber­to Eco Explains the Poet­ic Pow­er of Charles Schulz’s Peanuts

The Vel­vet Under­ground as Peanuts Char­ac­ters: Snoopy Morphs Into Lou Reed, Char­lie Brown Into Andy Warhol

How Franklin Became Peanuts‘ First Black Char­ac­ter, Thanks to a Car­ing School­teacher (1968)


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