He grew up in the ruins of World War II–the ruins creÂatÂed by the Nazism and its ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal comÂmitÂment to conÂspirÂaÂcy theÂoÂries, vioÂlence and white supremaÂcy. Based on that forÂmaÂtive expeÂriÂence, the forÂmer RepubÂliÂcan govÂerÂnor offers his take on this week’s coup attempt in WashÂingÂton: “Being from Europe, I’ve seen how things can spin out of conÂtrol… We must be aware of the dire conÂseÂquences of selfÂishÂness and cynÂiÂcism. PresÂiÂdent Trump sought to overÂturn the results of an elecÂtion, of a fair elecÂtion. He sought a coup by misÂleadÂing peoÂple with lies. My father and our neighÂbors were also misÂled with lies, and I know where such lies lead.” To avoid a simÂiÂlar fate, we must hold the conÂspirÂaÂtors accountÂable, find pubÂlic serÂvants who will serve highÂer ideals, and, most imporÂtantÂly, “look past ourÂselves, our parÂties and our disÂagreeÂments, and put our democÂraÂcy first.” Amen Arnold.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
UmberÂto Eco Makes a List of the 14 ComÂmon FeaÂtures of FasÂcism
Um… I don’t know… He might mean well but this video sure feels like “let’s fight fasÂcism with fasÂcism”.
How? You’re insane…
Hi Louise,
Flags, uniÂforms, swords, intense string secÂtion, appeals to nationÂalÂism and order through powÂer, the stark lightÂing, the authorÂiÂtaÂtive setÂting, his teuÂtonÂic accent (I know that’s not fair, blame all the WWII movies I’ve seen). Things like that… Like I said, I think he means well. The aesÂthetÂics just feel very fascisÂtic to me and I’m not down with headÂing in that direcÂtion, espeÂcialÂly right now.