What Has the Internet Done to Comedy? A Pretty Much Pop Culture Podcast Discussion (#74)

Does remov­ing gate­keep­ers mean a more dis­trib­uted com­ic land­scape, or does it inevitably end with a small num­ber of comics dom­i­nat­ing the world? The Inter­net means that peo­ple can and do judge comics based on very short clips, but also makes it easy to fol­low the activ­i­ties of some­one you dis­cov­er that you like.

Tiffany comes not from stand-up but from music the­ater, and is active in cre­at­ing char­ac­ter-based com­e­dy and nov­el­ty songs for Insta­gram, YouTube, etc. She joins your hosts Eri­ca Spyres, Mark Lin­sen­may­er, and Bri­an Hirt to explore the types of short-form humor and view­ing habits that grow out of video cre­at­ed for Tik­Tok, Snapchat, and oth­er plat­forms. What’s the cre­ator’s rela­tion to the audi­ence? Social media blurs the line between con­struct­ed bits and extem­po­rized com­men­tary. It’s often react­ing to cur­rent events, yet stays post­ed long after. “Going viral” is not typ­i­cal­ly the result of mere organ­ic shar­ing or chance, and some comics (and their con­sul­tants) have real­ly stud­ied the medi­um to find out what appeals and how to get the word out.

We touch on Car­men Lynch, Sarah Coop­er, Eva Vic­tor, Bowen Yang, Coin­ci­d­ance, Miran­da Sings, Lock­Pick­ingLawyer, Jim­my Sloni­na, AskChick­ie, and more.

Watch Tiffany’s Frag­ile White Sad­ness. And her ode to Dis­ney Plus. Our Long Novem­ber has passed, thank good­ness.

Tiffany also rec­om­mends Jen Tul­lock, Josh Ruben, Jor­dan First­man, Megan Stal­ter, Cole Esco­la, Craw­ford Mill­ham Hor­ton, Ben­i­to Skin­ner, Inap­pro­pri­ate Pat­ti, Advent Car­olen­dar, and Marc Rebil­let.

Read: “These Come­di­ans Are Using Tik­Tok to Cre­ate Some of the Inter­net’s Fun­ni­est (And Wok­est) Con­tent)” by Kat Cur­tis.

Hear more of this pod­cast at prettymuchpop.com. This episode includes bonus dis­cus­sion you can access by sup­port­ing the pod­cast at patreon.com/prettymuchpop. This pod­cast is part of the Par­tial­ly Exam­ined Life pod­cast net­work.

Pret­ty Much Pop: A Cul­ture Pod­cast is the first pod­cast curat­ed by Open Cul­ture. Browse all Pret­ty Much Pop posts.

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  • WW says:

    The Inter­net killed com­e­dy, for 3 rea­sons:

    1.) It caters to those with short atten­tion-spans. and con­crete-think­ing skills.
    2.) It unit­ed the polar­ized far-Left and Right; peo­ple who nor­mal­ly would­n’t of had a main­stream-voice, or plat­form. Both sides now zeal­ous­ly patrol the Inter­net, look­ing for, con­demn­ing, and “can­cel­ing” ANYONE and ANYTHING that offends their del­i­cate comedic-sen­si­bil­i­ties. Thus, the peo­ple in the mid­dle do not have a voice in the mat­ter, being the folks con­demned for not con­form­ing with group-think.
    3.) Because of the pri­or two rea­sons, com­e­dy has been reduced from say, Car­lin, and ilk, to stu­pid cute cat videos, and kids swal­low­ing “Tide Pods”.

    How I long for the days of “Blaz­ing Sad­dles” and dirty, offen­sive jokes (often at my own offense). Uncom­fort­able truths are hilar­i­ous, offer­ing a com­men­tary on the human con­di­tion, and the state of the world.

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