LookÂing for the definÂiÂtive guide to the origÂiÂnal theme music for the long-runÂning BBC sciÂence ficÂtion series DocÂtor Who, comÂposed in 1963 by Ron GrainÂer and realised by Delia DerÂbyshire and the BBC RadioÂphonÂic WorkÂshop? Good news, there’s a webÂsite that proÂvides just that.
AccordÂing to BoingÂBoÂing, the “writÂers here — DanÂny StewÂart, Ian StewÂart, and Josef KenÂny — break down the musiÂcal score of each track, pointÂing out cool details I’d nevÂer noticed (like the fact that there are two sepÂaÂrate bass tracks that form a nifty counÂterÂpoint with each othÂer). They include clips of all the indiÂvidÂual tracks isoÂlatÂed so you can hear exactÂly what they’re describÂing.” Begin explorÂing here, and find more DocÂtor Who Theme Music posts in the RelatÂeds right down below.
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via BoingÂBoÂing
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Two DocÂuÂmenÂtaries IntroÂduce Delia DerÂbyshire, the PioÂneer in ElecÂtronÂic Music
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