Dr. Fauci’s Lecture from MIT’s Free Course on COVID-19: It’s Now Online

Back in Sep­tem­ber, we gave you a heads up on MIT’s free course on COVID-19. As we men­tioned, “COVID-19, SARS-CoV­‑2 and the Pan­dem­ic” runs from Sep­tem­ber 1, 2020 through Decem­ber 8, 2020. And it fea­tures a com­bi­na­tion of MIT fac­ul­ty and guest speak­ers, includ­ing Dr. Antho­ny Fau­ci, cov­er­ing the sci­ence of the pan­dem­ic. Since our orig­i­nal post, Dr. Fau­ci’s pre­sen­ta­tion, “Insights from the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic,” has gone online. You can watch it above. Then find all of the oth­er lec­tures here.

MIT’s course has been added to the Biol­o­gy sec­tion of our meta col­lec­tion, 1,700 Free Online Cours­es from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.

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  • Dennis McCauley says:

    400,000$/year advice

    Wash your hands
    And don’t touch your face.
    As grand­ma Fau­ci says

  • WW says:

    Today, the CDC , in addi­tion to telling us who we can and can­not have-over for the hol­i­days, also told us drink­ing alco­hol (the stuff we san­i­tize our hands with) and loud music help spread the CCP-virus. This is no longer about the pan­dem­ic, but some­thing more sin­is­ter. Those peo­ple talk­ing about “The Great Reset” make more sense every day!

  • Moeskido says:

    WW, this isn’t about how ado­les­cents react to being told what to do. It’s about tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for every­one’s health dur­ing a health cri­sis that is get­ting worse because of care­less anti-sci­ence igno­rance.

    Please stop spread­ing goofy con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries and take this pan­dem­ic seri­ous­ly.

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