Mark it on your calÂenÂdars. Alex WinÂter’s new ZapÂpa docÂuÂmenÂtary will be released on NovemÂber 23. To whet your appetite, here’s the offiÂcial trailÂer for the film: “With unfetÂtered access to the ZapÂpa famÂiÂly trust and all archival footage, ZAPPA explores the priÂvate life behind the mamÂmoth musiÂcal career that nevÂer shied away from the politÂiÂcal turÂbuÂlence of its time. Alex Winter’s assemÂbly feaÂtures appearÂances by Frank’s widÂow Gail ZapÂpa and sevÂerÂal of Frank’s musiÂcal colÂlabÂoÂraÂtors includÂing Mike KenealÂly, Ian UnderÂwood, Steve Vai, Pamela Des BarÂres, Bunk GardÂner, David HarÂringÂton, Scott Thunes, Ruth UnderÂwood, Ray White and othÂers.”
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Night Frank ZapÂpa Jammed With Pink Floyd … and CapÂtain BeefÂheart Too (BelÂgium, 1969)
Frank Zappa’s AmazÂing Final ConÂcerts: Prague and Budapest, 1991
Frank ZapÂpa Explains the Decline of the Music BusiÂness (1987)
WONDERFUL FanÂtasÂtic News Can’t Wait but Will Have too!!! Hope there’s FamÂiÂly IncludÂed ie- Dweezil Ahmet
Moon & Diva.…