The Official Trailer for the New Frank Zappa Documentary Is Now Online

Mark it on your cal­en­dars. Alex Win­ter’s new Zap­pa doc­u­men­tary will be released on Novem­ber 23. To whet your appetite, here’s the offi­cial trail­er for the film: “With unfet­tered access to the Zap­pa fam­i­ly trust and all archival footage, ZAPPA explores the pri­vate life behind the mam­moth musi­cal career that nev­er shied away from the polit­i­cal tur­bu­lence of its time. Alex Winter’s assem­bly fea­tures appear­ances by Frank’s wid­ow Gail Zap­pa and sev­er­al of Frank’s musi­cal col­lab­o­ra­tors includ­ing Mike Keneal­ly, Ian Under­wood, Steve Vai, Pamela Des Bar­res, Bunk Gard­ner, David Har­ring­ton, Scott Thunes, Ruth Under­wood, Ray White and oth­ers.”

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Night Frank Zap­pa Jammed With Pink Floyd … and Cap­tain Beef­heart Too (Bel­gium, 1969)

Andy Warhol Hosts Frank Zap­pa on His Cable TV Show, and Lat­er Recalls, “I Hat­ed Him More Than Ever” After the Show

Frank Zappa’s Amaz­ing Final Con­certs: Prague and Budapest, 1991

Frank Zap­pa Explains the Decline of the Music Busi­ness (1987)

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