Drone Footage of San Francisco Set to the Music of Bladerunner 2049

When real life and dystopi­an cin­e­ma become one and the same. You can com­pare side-by-side images of Bladerun­ner 2049 con­cept art and the San Fran­cis­co sky­line here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

42 Hours of Ambi­ent Sounds from Blade Run­ner, Alien, Star Trek and Doc­tor Who Will Help You Relax & Sleep

Three Blade Run­ner Pre­quels: Watch Them Online

The Blade Run­ner Pro­mo­tion­al Film

How Rid­ley Scott’s Blade Run­ner Illu­mi­nates the Cen­tral Prob­lem of Moder­ni­ty

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.