When real life and dystopiÂan cinÂeÂma become one and the same. You can comÂpare side-by-side images of BladerunÂner 2049 conÂcept art and the San FranÂcisÂco skyÂline here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Three Blade RunÂner PreÂquels: Watch Them Online
The Blade RunÂner ProÂmoÂtionÂal Film
How RidÂley Scott’s Blade RunÂner IlluÂmiÂnates the CenÂtral ProbÂlem of ModerÂniÂty
All those dystopiÂan films and stoÂries? They were supÂposed to be warnÂings. Looks like we used them as instrucÂtion manÂuÂals instead.