David Lynch Tries to Make a List of the Good Things Happening in the World … and Comes Up Blank

David Lynch’s weath­er report for Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 13th: “Here in LA, grey. Again, smoke-filled sky. Very still right now. 61 degrees fahren­heit. Today I’m mak­ing a list of all the good things that are hap­pen­ing in the world. [Pause.] I’m still think­ing… No blue skies, no gold­en sun­shine today.”

Maybe David Byrne, cre­ator of the “Rea­sons to Be Cheer­ful” web site, would have a bet­ter shot at fill­ing out the page. Have your own list of good things hap­pen­ing in the world? Add them to the com­ments below…

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

David Byrne Launch­es the “Rea­sons to Be Cheer­ful” Web Site: A Com­pendi­um of News Meant to Remind Us That the World Isn’t Actu­al­ly Falling Apart

David Lynch Cre­ates Dai­ly Weath­er Reports for Los Ange­les: How the Film­mak­er Pass­es Time in Quar­an­tine

Dis­cov­er David Lynch’s Bizarre & Min­i­mal­ist Com­ic Strip, The Angri­est Dog in the World (1983–1992)

David Lynch Made a Dis­turb­ing Web Sit­com Called Rab­bits: It’s Now Used by Psy­chol­o­gists to Induce a Sense of Exis­ten­tial Cri­sis in Research Sub­jects

How David Lynch Got Cre­ative Inspi­ra­tion? By Drink­ing a Milk­shake at Bob’s Big Boy, Every Sin­gle Day, for Sev­en Straight Years

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Comments (10)
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  • Wilhelm says:

    Ola washed up hol­ly­wood elite try­ing to be rel­e­vant is painful to watch…
    Cardio‑b is wis­er

  • Ken says:

    David. We don’t need a weath­er report or any oth­er youtube phi­los­o­phy that’s on your mind. Drop any oth­er fur­ture thoughts on twin peaks. Please, move on write a script and get a movie out. Anoth­er blue vel­vetlike mys­tery would so much be your forte. A black and white obscure dream­like film would please us as well. Get back to your roots. Eat a quinoa sal­ad, pour a cup of dark rich hot black cof­fee and get her done.

  • John says:

    Every­man’s mind is it’s own world. New­ton and David, I am glad I don’t live in yours.

  • Mark says:

    I don’t live in L.A., that’s enough rea­son for me to be cheer­ful.

  • Betsy says:

    One rea­son im cheer­ful is that i woke up alive this morn­ing .I also feel more hope the sad thing is it came from nowhere and i dont have any rea­son 4 the hopefulness.I live in Las Vegas so one more good thing is the heat is disapearing.I can only find cheer­ful­ness in lit­tle things thanj god 4 that

  • Mike France says:

    Lynch needs to shut up and go away.

  • Pat C. says:

    David Lynch is a tal­ent­ed and intel­li­gent man with tremen­dous insight. It makes me won­der how you can degrade some­one that has con­tributed so much to film. Maybe you should take your own advice, look in the mir­ror and see that kind­ness starts with you. If you can’t appre­ci­ate that, then you need to seek ther­a­py to find the source of your hatred.

  • Anna says:

    So much hate here guys, would not expect that here. David’s Weath­er Report is art and could be in a way a mean of how to deal with all this uncer­tain­ty in the world. He might have more mon­ey than some, but I believe this sit­u­a­tion is depress­ing for every­one.

    Although I do not live in LA, I do look for­ward to David’s Weath­er Reports every­day.

  • Ken says:

    David. If you saw my com­ment do you have any thoughts on I sug­gest­ed? 🐻

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